Friday, December 10, 2010

Who Will Make the Life-or-Death Decision For You?

In health care facilities nationwide, so-called ethics committees have become a reality over the last few decades. They are now part of many facilities' risk-management process, and they make life-or-death decisions every day, motivated largely by the desire to reduce expenses and liability.

We have been involved in hundreds of cases, many of which concerned decisions made by these eithics committees. Nothing underscores how they threaten innocent lives more than the case of Gary and Sara Harvey of Horseheads, New York.

In February 2007, Chemung County stripped Sara of her rights a guardian of her husband, and Gary has remained a ward of th eCounty ever since. In May 2009, he was transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira, where he remains. About two weeks later, the hospital's ethics committee recommended the removal of Gary's nutrition and hydration tube, and the issuance of a do-not-resuscitate order. This was done without the direction of Gary's family and would have ensured his death.

What is even worse is that these events have occurred at a Catholic health care facility. And Bishop Matthew Clark, of the Rochester diocese, as basically turned his back on the situation.

Pernicious scenarios similar to the Harvey's ordeal take place often, but usually so silently that most people are simply unaware of the dangers.

Full Article and Source:
The Truth About Death Panels - Who Will Make the Life and Death Decision for You?

See Also:

YouTube: Poor People


  1. I am a NASGA member who knows Sara & Gary Harvey. Sara did nothing to deserve her spousal rights be removed but what she did do was complain about the negligent care Gary was receiving. She wanted quality care for Gary, the man she loves!!
    I am of the strong opinion that Chemung County did more to Gary then try to end his life, I think they are hiding medical errors. They know they are liable so they are using legal abuse of Sara to cover up there errors!

  2. Let me get this straight, Chemung County NY is the guardian... the ones in place to PROTECT Gary and they tried to murder Gary??

    Who in the world is protecting Gary from the real danger which is obviously Chemung County???

  3. Gary Harvey is a Veteran who willingly sacrificed his time knowing it could be his life to protect our freedoms.

    When Gary had an incident that changes his life, he was entitled to have the right to have his legal mate, his wife speak for him, our government literally divorced man and wife, our government took Gary's rights away, his wife's rights away so they could have total control and they won't give it up.

    This could happen to any married couple in the good old USA.

    Who is next?

  4. This is a MUST SEE...
    There are great comments here to let you know what's really going on in this case!

  5. I am so upset about this case, I can barely see straight.

    Gary Harvey is treated like he's a sack of potatoes. And the County gets away with it.

    Is this how APS behaves in Elmira, NY? If so, citizens need to consider putting up "for sale" signs.

  6. I am praying for you, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.

  7. Very sad .......... a county should not determine life .........
    a family has a right to determine what is right ......... the county needs to support Sara and give her support in services and assistance when she brings her husband home.

  8. It's the $64K question. I think all of us want a family member making those difficult decision, preferably a spouse.

    But, as we see in the Harvey case, sometimes the system sticks its ugly nose into our business and takes over and the result is a tragedy like this case.

    Would Gary Harvey choose Chemung County as his guardian over his wife? No.

    Why then does the court not use any common sense?

  9. It's so sad. Gary Harvey is treated worse than a POW.

    How do these people sleep at night? Are they so very arrogant that they actually believe an ounce of what they put out in propaganda? I don't think so. I just think they don't have any souls.

  10. The url Holly posted is indeed a must read.

    Think about it - a Catholic hospital - a religion that professes to santify life, actually met in secrecy and behind closed doors and decided Gary Harvey's life wasn't worth living?

    A Catholic hospital??? Kinda eye opening, isn't it?

  11. I am a practicing catholic and now I'm not very proud of that.

    I am sorry the church has abandoned you.

  12. THANK YOU, Bobby Schindler, for standing with Sara Harvey. I know your sister watches you from above with much pride.

  13. I hear you practicing Catholic...I am in the same position although I feel like I've been slapped in the face do as we say not as we do behind closed doors and then deny it.

    Can't have it both ways - they need to step up, take the heat and be truthful.
