Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'Voices of Truth Today'

YouTube: Voices of Truth Today, part one

YouTube: Voices of Truth Today, part two

YouTube: Voices of Truth Today, part three

See Also:
Judge in Disney Case Orders Arrest of Lawyer at Hearing

Note: More videos tomorrow!


  1. Shocking and appalling. I am anxious for tomorrow's videos.

  2. They have an advocate in their lawyer- hope he does not bow to the abuse of power by the judge.

  3. The videos Must go National on utube. To show People how this judge is using a Nazi war tactic in a American Court of Law to shut down innocent victims and their Rights !

    It is obvious the judge had a premeditated, one sided plan to ambush the attorney and the parties, sending a loud, clear message, anyone who does not agree with his threats, goes to jail.

    America, if this is what we can expect in a court of law, it's time the American public REMOVE these type of judges from the bench LEGALLY!.

    This narcissistic judge is nothing more than a bully and has the mordacity to believe he can threaten, intimidate and lock any innocent person up if they legally disagree with him.

    No one should ever be handcuffed in a court of law for legally standing up for their client.

    This is outrageous !

  4. I hope each and every one of these lawyers filed a disciplinary complaint against this judge.

    What an absolutely disgrace he is to the judiciary.

  5. This judge is a PROUD WARRIOR AGAINST THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION, WHICH IS A CRIME. I see how he is so arrogantly demonstrates his CONTEMPT for the Constitution....he's been a "probate judge" for at least 7 yrs. So he's been CEO of the "CANDY STORE"(insider's term for probate court). He's had "no accountability" required of him. ARROGANCE is what took ex judge Conahan DOWN(Pa.) I hope those decent lawyers or someone else takes this Nazi "wannabe" so called judge to the white collar prison. The AZ. federal judge who was assassinated (by accident) is dead because he made RULINGS WHICH UPHELD THE CONSTITUTION. SO ALL AMERICANS ARE IN GRAVE DANGER RIGHT HERE & NOW, whether we can see it or not; we are in a political tsunami that could be stopped by unified citizen actions, such as, stop paying taxes, or some other unified all "write in" and/or 3rd party candidates.

  6. this is a prime example of one of many judges who got caught doing what is done every day in every state in every county the thing to keep in mind will your video be next here on the nasga blog? think it can't happen to you or your loved ones? yes yes yes it can unless these rogue probate courts are forced to stop business as usual change won't come fast or easy but without a strong opposition we are next in line next case

  7. I can't believe it! Talk about outrageous. This guy should be debenched!

  8. Ug, what a nightmare. I feel so bad for the Lund family. This should not happen in the United States of America!

  9. Another major trampling of due process.

    And what will the discipline committee do? Probably nothing.

  10. I wish I could have been there loaded with a dozen eggs and could have egged this sorry excuse for a judge. That's what he deserves.

    How many lives does he ruin with his arrogance?

  11. Why is nobody doing anything about corrupt disciplinary boards - attorney and judge? They are the problem. Right now, they exist to cover up abuse and corruption.

  12. and I thought NY and Florida was bad...With judges like this who needs lawyers and police officers.

    This guy is sick.

  13. I regret watching these videos because I had nightmares up all night stick to my stomach.

    I cannot get this judge's face, words and voice out of my head how the family and their counsel was able to survive just what I saw here has to be due to divine intervention and faith in God that the truth will prevail.

    I am so distressed and beside myself today I cannot function.

    This is not a court of law.

    This is an example of judicial abuse of power a guy sitting up at the bench playing the role of a judge and worse.
