Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Week of 'Kids-for-Cash" Trial Concluded

With former Judge Michael T. Conahan's personal tax preparer about to answer questions about returns in 2006, U.S. District Judge Edwin M. Kosik told prosecutors they would stop at 2005 for the day.

After about two hours of financial testimony, Kosik said he understands the attorney's jobs, but "I don't hesitate in commenting that you have been punishing us all day."

He adjourned court for the weekend at 4 p.m., cautioning jurors to avoid any media reports or other conversations about the trial.

Testimony is expected to resume at 8:45 a.m. in the federal courthouse in Scranton [tomorrow]. It is unclear who the prosecution intends to call next. Potential witnesses who have not appeared during the first four days of the trial include former probation officer Sandra M. Brulo, former court administrator William T. Sharkey and people familiar with the juvenile court practices.

Conahan is not expected to to testify, as a source says prosecutors decided they see him as "too big a liability."

Full Article and Source:
Trial Update: First Week of Testimony Concluded


  1. Hang 'em high!

    Or maybe we should put them in stocks and let the kids throw rocks at them!

  2. Here's hoping they throw the kitchen sink at these two!

  3. If they did it to kids, they did it to the elderly? Is the FBI investigating Ciavarella and Conahan for that????

  4. If there's an ounce of justice left in the "justice" system, let these kids who were victims of these two vultures have it.
