Sunday, February 27, 2011

'Kennedy Lied, But What's New?'

We’ll get to the point.

When Kennedy announced from the bench in open court that the Danny Tate conservatorship was terminated nunc pro tunc (now for then), it was a calculated lie. He had no intention of terminating the conservatorship, he just wanted the bad press and supporters to go away.

The Temporary Letters of Conservator have yet to be dissolved. In other words, the Tate conservatorship was NEVER terminated.

Kennedy’s robes are almost laughable except for the horrific results forced upon the citizens he’s supposed to serve. Kennedy does not serve the people, he serves attorneys and politicians. He’s been given control of quite a deep purse of other people’s money and has no problem giving it away.



  1. Is that bum on the bench a lawyer?

  2. Kennedy should be debenched and run out of town!

  3. Everytime I hear about the Tate case, it makes me physically sick.

    Kennedy, you're a disgrace to the human race.

  4. I am sorry, Danny. I continue to pray for justice for you and there is no response. I am just so sorry.

  5. He's a lying snake for sure.
