Friday, February 18, 2011

Mickey Rooney Conservatorship

Actor Mickey Rooney has been granted court protection from his stepson and his stepson's wife after alleged abuse.

According to court documents filed Monday, the couple is accused of draining Mr. Rooney financially, verbally abusing him, and denying him basic necessities, including food.

At an emergency hearing Monday morning, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz appointed a temporary conservator for Mr. Rooney and his estate. Judge Goetz also signed a temporary restraining order against Mr. Rooney's stepson, Chris Aber and his wife Christina ordering them to stay away from Mr. Rooney.


Full Article and Source:
Mickey Rooney Accuses Stepson of Abuse


  1. My parent was denied medical care, isolated, belittled and verbally abused, physically abused, had not a penny in his pocket, no ID, not allowed to check his own mail, answer his phone, (this is the short list) all at the hands of a Multnomah County (Portland Oregon) court appointed guardian that lied about her own history of financial problems, including a bankruptcy. He died a little over a month after the ODVA (Kelly Breshear)and the Guardian decided he was going to outlive his finances. Over 500, 000 was spent on "protecting" his assets after his son decided that he had lived long enough and was tired of waiting for "his inheritance". Perjury, lies, allegations against the ones that loved him and a total lack of regard for his life (which ended after he was forced to take Haldol, Oxycodone etc). The same attorneys (four) and the guardian continue to bill his estate for all the "hard work" they put in to accomplish this goal. He died sad and broken. If the allegations are true, shame on the step son (I question any situation anymore if money is involved...)Now Mr. Rooney will get completely "raped" financially, emotionally, etc and it will all be considered LEGAL. Thanks to the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs and Multnomah County Probate Court my fathers last 8 months alive was hell for him. I am sure death came as a "blessing" for him after the devastation he endured. devastating a very proud and honest person. it was the most horrible ordeal I ever could imagine and my kids and I still have nightmares about what they did.

  2. Sibling battles go to court and everybody loses - except the lawyers!

    Sounds like there is much more to this story.

  3. I am afraid Mickey Rooney will now become a victim of conservatorship abuse.

  4. I am sorry, Anonymous. I am afraid your nightmares will never go away. I hope you are a NASGA member, though, so you are part of the movement for reform!

  5. I hate to hear this about Mickey Rooney

  6. I'm afraid Mickey Rooney will be a guardianship cash cow, too.


  8. Last Anonomyous:

    Please consider joining NASGA. Victims need to be heard in one loud voice. If we don't join forces, it will take longer for reform, if ever.

    Join by going to our main website,, to the "Join NASGA Advocates for Reform" page.

  9. This is a complaint about the Court Appointed Attorney Amy L. Neiman; counsel was appointed to my 13 year old daughter by Judge Reva Goetz in the year of 2008.
    The mother of my daughter passed away in January 2008. The mother was adopted at birth and does not have any blood relatives’ was denied custody of my daughter and guardian was granted to a friend of the mother per Judge Reva Goetz. I applied myself by filing a termination of guardianship petition. I was denied custody of my daughter again by Judge Reva Goetz. Court appointed Amy L. Neiman never made any attempt to bring the union of the father, and daughter.
    The visits were just a procedure to Amy. Amy smiled as if everything was going really good with the case. She had me (the father) thinking that I was going to finally have my daughter in my custody. When Amy returned to the courts as scheduled the verbal and written report changed. Amy stated that she is not recommending that my daughter lives with me (the Father) for reasons I can't fathom. Instead Amy recommended that I take parenting without conflict class.
    I will be proud to say that I (the father) enrolled the same day recommended, completed the class, received a certificate. in addition i also enrolled into a CPR class (now Certified Again), completed an additional parenting and nutrition class. Still denied by Judge Reva Goetz and Court appointed Amy L. Neiman.
    the court appointed guardian Latasha Lashoun Evans since the ruling has abused my daughter (hit my daughter in the mouth and busted her lip) in 2008, my daughter has been pinned down and held against her will by a male elementary student at Baldwin Hills Elementary, my daughter finger was fractured, verbally abused by the guardian and the guardian's mother Shirley Evans. My vehicle and my work vehicle have been vandalized.

    Latasha Lashoun Evans was employed by Ticket Master's legal office in West Hollywood, CA at the time of the guardianship ruling in 2008. Since then Latasha Lashoun Evans has been fired from her job, her home went into foreclosure, car repossessed and could not find a steady job. Latasha Lashoun Evans while appointed guardian of my daughter has not provided my daughter with a stable environment, no electricity service for approximately 1 year. Latasha Lashoun Evans while appointed guardian of my daughter has been leaving my daughter at numerous acquaintances home. I could continue with facts as Latasha Lashoun Evans has been arrested for drug possession charges as informed by the court's probate investigator.
    My sister filed a petition for legal guardian and was denied on 10/5/2011 by Judge Reva Goetz. Court appointed Amy L. Neiman also did not recommend that my daughter lives with her paternal aunt. The reason; she lives too far from her father.
    The current guardian is financially driven. She hired an attorney to petition for my child. She has also committed perjury by applying for survivor benefits stating that she is the aunt with no relation to my daughter. That’s another complaint in itself.
    The question is what clerk from the social security administration office in Inglewood, CA allowed Latasha Lashoun Evans to apply for such a benefit when Latasha Lashoun Evans is not one of the next of ken to my daughter?
    A bias Judge and Court appointed counsel working together to split up what's left of a family for personal gain?
    Court appointed Amy L. Neiman currently has an attorney fighting for her in the San Fernando, Ca courts for being held in contempt of court for 100 different cases. it has come to my attention that she has the reputation of breaking up families and is branded a "Legal Kidd napper".
    All I am trying my best to do is be a positive, loving and strong role model for my daughter; her mother passed away and I am all she has.
