Friday, February 11, 2011

Press Release: Sun Valley Group Closes One Door, Opens Another

Press Release
February 7, 2011
Contact: Kim Owens
(602) 689-9449
Sun Valley Group Closes One Door, Opens Another
New name, same address, and ownership

February 7, 2011-Phoenix, ARIZONA – After multiple news accounts detailing the alleged abuse and financial exploitation by Sun Valley Group (SVG), the owner’s Heather and Peter Frenette filed an emergency action with Judge Rosa Mroz requesting the company’s cases be turned over to Entrust Fiduciary Services of Yuma. The request was submitted late last week to Judge Mroz and the last attorney of record on each case. SVG will cease to operate at the end of this month. Sources disclosed the embattled company had lost its insurance coverage and was unable to secure a replacement. SVG is requesting all cases in their care be assigned to Entrust Fiduciary Services of Yuma.

The courtroom of Judge Mroz was filled with an overflow crowd of families and attorneys as case by case was brought forward. Each case was asked if they would be filing an opposition to the request of reassignment. Many attorneys related they were noticed of the hearing late Friday and were unable to make contact with family members to determine their desire. A majority of cases voiced opposition to the reassignment suggestion of SVG with objections raised to the number of new cases given to a single provider in such a short timeline, the concern of families to the media reports on SVG, and desire for family members to replace the paid, private fiduciary.

As SVG makes plans to close in the shadow of abuse allegations, Heather Frenette has already started a new business. Despite informing Judge Mroz the Frenette’s would be relinquishing their fiduciary license, the new business Desert Care Management, advertises services on the company’s website that “provides a superior level of Care Management services in Arizona to persons with cognitive impairments, physical disabilities, developmental disabilities and mental illness.”
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Knaperek Consulting, LLC is a government affairs firm specializing in issue advocacy and campaign services.

Phone (602) 531-8938
Fax (623) 505-1383


  1. Well, I hope they haven't been licensed and never will be!

  2. I love that title. It really says it all!

  3. oh geez what a suprprise i called this in my other comments watching for snakes laying in wait changing their costumes new name thats all it takes to have all their criminal activities go poof i hope the heat is on them the feds are on their heels bring 'em down and out and for sure no license for these predators great job keeping their whereabouts and intentions in the news keep on them morning noon and night 24/7

  4. SVG group needs to be run out of the state and into a federal prison cage where they belong.

  5. I think all eyes are on AZ now that Sun Valley Group has been exposed for the vultures they are. Taking down the next one will be even easier.

  6. I hope AZ doesn't drop the ball on this scheme knowing eyes are wide open watching!

  7. Thanks to the media attention - and that's the only thing that works!

  8. Where is the state monitoring and oversight?

  9. If every anybody's name was synonomous with "mud", it's Sun Valley Group and its owners.

  10. The fact that these criminals can pack up shop and change their names would be unbelievalbe to someone who has not been through the misery of corrupt guardinaship proceedings.

    All we can hope is that the publicity will keep these slimebags from getting new clients; we can't count on the courts from doing it--it's gotta come from the media.

    Speaking of media, we could sure use some in Chicago.We have sickening stories there of a group of criminals.
