Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Brain Damaged Mom Can See Her Triplets

Paraplegic mother Abbie Dorn has been in the middle of a visitation battle with ex-husband Dan Dorn after he has refused to let her see their triplets after brain damage sustained during delivery of the triplets. Terry McCarthy reports with more and Russ Mitchell spoke with Legal Analyst Lisa Bloom and Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Hartstein to discuss the legal perspective and psychological effects that may be involved with the mother and children thereafter.

Brain Damaged Mom Can See Her Triplets,Judge Rules

See Also:
Abbie Dorn Court Battle Set for May 13


  1. This is a good beginning at least.

  2. This shouldn't be a matter of litigation. She is their mother. She has a right to see them and they have a right to see her.

    It sounds like she's being discriminated against because she's disabled?

    Is this what we want kids to learn?

  3. Keeping her from her children and keeping her children from her was wrong.

  4. So what is the goverment doing about this .... nothing because they believe the disabled are nothing ............ our senators will want more studies.

  5. What kind of husband would keep a mother's children from her? What kind of father would keep his children from their mother.

  6. Dan Dorn should be ashamed of himself.
