Friday, March 4, 2011

Mickey Rooney, the Champion!

Trapped, scared, used, and frustrated. That's how Mickey Rooney felt after being taken advantage of by a meddlesome family member, the 90-year-old film and television star told Congress on Wednesday.

Rooney was testifying before a special Senate committee that is considering legislation to curb abuses of senior citizens.

"Above all," Rooney said of being a victim of elder abuse, "when a man feels helpless, it's terrible."

And the problem is a lot more common than many people realize.

Full Article and Source:
Mickey Rooney: Elder Abuse Made Me Feel Trapped and Scared


  1. Mickey Rooney gave the performance of a lifetime. I was so proud of him!

  2. Bravo Mr. Rooney!

    You are part of America.

    You are very fortunate you were able to speak to anyone, able to connect with others. Elder abuse is exploding from all angles.

    Consider abusive guardianships Mr. Rooney. Those poor souls, the wards are most often without a telephone, pen and paper, or any way of communicating about their captivity.

    Why is this allowed? Because guardianship is established via rogue courts who do not have the manpower, the time or the motivation to see for themselves how the ward is being treated many times mistreated.

    The courts mistakenly believe the words and the reports of the guardians and the conservators who are reporting and testifying by way of their honor.

    All you need to do is read how many lawyers are have been and are being sanctioned, disbarred, prosecuted for false statements and embezzlement and that Mr. Rooney is only a thimble full of what is happening to your generation and the baby boomers are right behind you we are targets, targets with $$$$ signs and a name on paper.

    Mr. Rooney count your blessings that you had a voice and were able to be set free although with a lot less money but please remember the wards and the other victims who are silenced, over medicated, isolated those poor souls who are very afraid with no hope of coming out of their situation alive.

    Mr. Rooney please remember a very important fact, if your name was not Mickey Rooney, but your name is Joe Smith, no one would know about your situation--no one, there are millions of Joe Smiths.

    May God Bless You for stepping up, for your courage and determination to speak out loud to those at the Senate Special Committee on Aging charied by US Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI).

    I hope and pray Sen Kohl and the other Senators heard you and the others who testified particularly the brief statement about abusive guardianships.

    Thank you NASGA for all you are doing to give the silenced wards a voice and a place to unite.

  3. What a gentleman and yes, what a champion! Thank you, Mickey Rooney!

  4. What Mr. Rooney so eloquently describedis happening to guardianship victims all over the country.

  5. I sure went through a box of Kleenex watching Mr. Rooney's testimony.
