Saturday, April 30, 2011

Aunt Helen, Gone Too Soon, 10 Years Today

Helen T. Fabis
March 1, 1914 - April 30, 2001

April 30, 2011

Dear Aunt Helen,
You inspire me! You always did, even when I was quite young. I looked at you as someone “professional” and so different than my mother and other Aunts. I didn’t quite know exactly what it was back then, but I think I do now.

I remember when you took me downtown to shop and have lunch. Oh my, you cannot imagine how important that made me feel! I remember my mother saying something like “big deal”…..well it was! Thank you for showing me a slice of life I didn’t know about. As it turned out, I advocated to that life. Working downtown was so glamorous.

Then you bought the farm in Sobieski, WI !!! How much fun is that! How lucky we were to experience yet another slice of life that most city kids would never know. How I loved collecting eggs, and feeding the chickens even though it smelled! Pumping our own water at the well, bathing in a jumbo wash tub, in the kitchen no less, was such an experience! Thank you for making all this possible for us.

Your interest in my early sewing adventures, especially all the wonderful fabrics you gave me, kept me wanting to learn more. And so I did, and you were right there to answer any questions and keep me supplied with much appreciated wonderful fabrics.

Remember when Kim and Shawn were two and three years old? You were involved in the pattern making of little girls Spring coats. You gave me the most beautiful off white wool coats and fabrics with deep pink rosebuds appliquéd on the yoke/collar and hat. They were so beautiful! Something I could never afford. I miss our sewing “talk” and your quiet way of giving advice.

You and Uncle Wally were a loved fixture at Mom’s kitchen table. I took all those visits for granted. What I wouldn’t give to have you sit at my kitchen table and set your hair with beer! What a delight that would be.

When Mom and Dad moved to Wisconsin, and you stayed behind in Chicago, I was honored to drive you up to see them. What great talks we had.

I am grateful all four of my children were able to know you, and even my grandchildren were lucky enough to have a bit of time with you. I remember how terrified you would get if they were climbing or hanging upside down from a tree or something, I would laugh, because I was so conditioned to their antics, but you were not and worried so! I loved that.

I love that Dean used to come up and play Scrabble with you and Mom, those were very precious moments for him. Thank you for all the wonderful memories that my entire family has, especially me. You were a lady far ahead of her time, I see that now.

Thank you for being my mother’s devoted friend and sister through all those years of widowhood. Without you, I cannot imagine how she would have survived. You kept her alive, even if it was to argue a Scrabble rule or what TV show to watch! You were the “spark” that she needed, and helped her to become more sociable with the few neighbors you had. It could have been very isolated for her, but not with you there!

You are a great lady, and we have all been blessed to have some time with you starting at birth in my case. We miss you and love you.

You are loved and missed so much.

Love and admiration,


  1. Very nice tribute and a reminder of the lasting pain caused by guardianship abuse. This woman was indeed gone too soon, as are so many.

  2. This letter warms my heart knowing our loved ones remember us long after we leave this earth. I'm sure your Aunt Helen is smiling. I can only hope and pray my family will remember me.

  3. gee i can only hope to be remembered so fondly your aunt helen sounds like a great lady who deserves being remembered all these years later nice idea i'm sure she would approve i like that picture i can see the happiness in their eyes all together sitting on a porch looks like they like the color blue lovely photo cherish it

  4. This makes me reflect on my own loss as well. Will we ever heal?

  5. She sounds like a wonderful woman!

  6. Bubbles, (I love your name!)

    How lucky you are to have had such an exceptional aunt. I am sorry you lost her way too early.

  7. This tribute touches me personally. I lost my father. And I know that tomorrow won't make that any better or lessen the pain an ounce.

    Guardianship destroys lives and forever changes the lives of those who do survive.

    We get through each new day partly by our connection to other victims. I am so glad I found NASGA and am associated with victims who understand how it feels to so needlessly love a treasured loved one.

    Thank you for this tribute.

  8. I am sorry for the loss of this aunt and for all the aunts and loved ones lost in similar manner. Let us remember the fallen and work to keep others from suffering the same fate.

  9. I will pray for this family.

  10. Dear Bubbles,

    I can feel Aunt Helen is smiling.

    Thank you so much for sharing some of your memories.

    She is gone but never forgotten, she left so much of herself with us and in us.

    We share a bond like no other she brought the family together forever united in her honor.

    Thank you.


  11. Thank you for sharing this touching story and for sharing your aunt with us.

  12. Aunt Helen was a remarkable, loving woman, "Bubbles". I am sure that she is happy in Heaven and quite proud of you.
