Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guardian Not Paying Elderly Woman's Bills

They're appointed by the courts to help people, many of them elderly, but friends of one Thurston County woman say her court-appointed guardian hasn't done a thing. Now, 95-year-old Eleanor Barrick worries she'll be forced out of her own home.

Q13 Fox News: Elderly Guardian Bills


  1. Breach of fiduciary duty!

  2. I want to add one more thing, the courts don't appoint many of these guardians to help people anymore. Instead, they appoint guardians to mooch and leech off of vulnerable people who have assets.

  3. Is the court monitoring this case at all? The guardian should be hauled in and then fired. Breech of fiducisry duty is right.

  4. B.A.L.O.N.E.Y - the new guardian's trying to locate this woman's assets so she can pay the bills?

    All she has to do is read the file which will include an inventory and accounting.

    This poor woman is being taken for a ride.

  5. You can bet this woman is paying dearly for no service!

  6. Good Luck getting people to help ............the legislators just past the responsibility back to the constituents no matter what state it is ............

    In NJ Senator Tom Kean says he is in a leadership role and that means
    pass it off to someone else since his buddies are in on the scams

    From: Kean T., Sen. D.O.
    Subject: RE: Message requesting an appointment with Senator Kean - Matthew Taylor
    To: "Mary Ellen Taylor"
    Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011, 5:01 PM

    Dear Matthew and Mary Ellen:

    Thank you for your emails. I apologize for the delay in responding to you – it has been a really hectic week here. I have shared your emails with Senator Kean. Although he appreciated your offer to meet with him, he is going to decline. The Senator sponsors very few pieces of legislation due to his role in leadership and feels that the subject matter might be better pursued by a legislator who is a member of either the Judiciary or Health and Human Services committees. They would likely be more knowledgeable on the subject of guardianship-related issues.



    Thank you Liz.

    We would appreciate if Senator Kean would reach out to his colleagues on those committees and ask if they will see us.

    We hope he does not feel conflicted due to his personal relationship with Chris Christie, and Chris Christie appointing Anthony P Kearns III to be the Hunterdon County Prosecutor well knowing Mr. Kearns has major Ethics Violations surrounding Fraud Upon the Court in Matthew's Guardianship case.

    We hope Senator Kean will be a good Samaritan and do the right thing, rather than play the political line. He is supposed to represent his constituents.

    We look forward to his commitment to his constituents rather than to just his party.
    Please ask Ray Lesniak and members of the Judiciary to see us. Whether a Democrat or Republican the concern should be for what is right not covering for party friends. Because Senator Kean is in a leadership role-we would expect Senator Kean to take the lead on critical issues of State and National importance like abusive guardianship proceedings-and not to delegate a leadership role back to his constituents.

    The issue of abusive guardianship proceedings is a National one directly impacting the lives of all seniors in the U.S., as well as the 54 million disabled. It is also an area filled with major Health Care Fraud costing the U.S. taxpayer billions of dollars. It needs to be reformed sooner rather than later!

    Sincerely seeking justice-

    Matthew & MaryEllen Taylor

    Elizabeth H. Cornwell

    District Director

    Senator Tom Kean

  7. The guardian will charge this woman for paying the bills late; she'll pass on the late fees too -- and she'll charge for straightening out this mess.

  8. Here is the follow-up story to that segment on Q13 Fox News:,0,2996297.story

  9. This gaurdian along with attorney's involed of this knowlege should be strtipped of thies liciences. Samuel
