Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Facebook Brings Challenges For Judges, Attorneys

The Ohio Supreme Court wants state judges to exhibit caution before padding their Facebook friend lists with people – read attorneys – who might appear or are appearing before them in court.

Advisory guidelines issued in December by the court’s Board of Commissioners on Grievances & Discipline cautioned judges about their connections and what information they are sharing on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

“You can be a friend with somebody, but you’ve got to do it carefully,” said Jon Marshall, the board’s secretary.

Full Article and Source:
Facebook Brings Challenges For Judges, Attorneys


  1. FB is just another way for attorneys to schmooze judges...

  2. I don't think Judges should be on FB.

  3. i am taking this as a way to fool the public by concealing fb buds from those who might be wise to do some simple searching to see who the judge might be cozy with so the judges front door of protection and Jon Marshall
    gives them a public warning hey wise up judges you better withhold who they are buds with on the internet if this werent so dog gone serious i would be laughing

  4. Carefully, as "Don't let it hang out"

    Don't give litigants grounds for recusal!

  5. Friends connected by $$$$$$$.

  6. Jerri I hear you and I think you hit it straight on.

  7. Judges should protect themselves from the "appearance of impropriety" ....their lives won't end if they don't get to play on Facebook.

  8. I will agree with that The Judge who heard our case in Hawaii Derrick Chan is notorious for ex parte communication with lawyers and since we were acting pro se (already spent over 60,000 on previous attorneys who just took our money and DID NOTHING) I can relate to this


