Sunday, April 17, 2011

Guardian Accused of Stealing from Father

A Chippewa Falls man is accused of stealing, from his father.

Investigators say Dale Schick Jr. withdrew more than $14,000 from accounts belonging to his dad, who lived in a nursing home. Schick was his court-appointed guardian. Court officials reminded him repeatedly that he could not take money out of the accounts, but say the withdrawals continued.

Investigators say there are more than 130 questionable withdrawals. Schick has since repaid some of the money, but is now charged with felony theft.

Full Article and Source:
Chippewa Falls Man Accused of Stealing from His Father


  1. Got him - but who's watching the non-family guardians?

  2. That's nothing compared to the millions the GREEDY GUARDIANS GRAB!

  3. The court officials reminded him REPEATEDLY that he couldn't take the money out of the accounts?

    Reminded? That's unusual. Usually they just remove the family guardian and put in a third-party right away.

  4. You're absolutely right, Thelma.

  5. ".....Court officials reminded him repeatedly that he could not take money out of the accounts, but say the withdrawals continued....."

    Here is part of the problem ~ court officials 'reminded' the thief? The withdrawals continued? What?

    I presume Dale Schick Jr didn't understand there are consequences' he had his own agenda. Pay the money back and then prison time is in order here to send a message.

    If a lawyer or professional guardian were to do this, the oversite folks would use terms as 'over billing' misaprporiation of funds with no consequences.

    In addition, keep in mind State of Wisconsin guardianship cases are off the radar, all case files are closed/sealed. Which is a recipe for exploitation.

  6. What he did was awful, but in reality, it pales to what the pros do.

  7. wrong is wrong family member or non family member lying and embezzling over billing fraudulent billing is theft leaving the ward the victim impoverished needing Medicaid and having his/her life destroyed by a system that should be protecting = FAILURE

  8. Looks like Dale Schick Jr. has some seedy company and he should have done some quick research before he took money that did not belong to him.

    In addition, prosecutors might want to refresh their memories and check out how former WI Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager took swift action against a fiduciary who thought she could get away with fooking the court and the family Simane left her ward with $00.00 in less than 60 days and then took money from the family for burial expenses.

    Assistant Attorney General Barbara Oswald along with the WI DOJ Special Agents convicted Kathleen A. Simane the temporary guardian who did the time; she was justly punished she served 2 years in state prison sentence with 2 - 10 year consecutive sentences imposed and stayed for theft by bailee and false swearing (lying to the court does have consequences) with other charges with court ordered restitution.

    State of Wisconsin vs. Kathleen A Simane

    Rock County Case: 2005CF000301
