Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Investigations Trigger Legislation

Several bills making their way through the Texas legislature would create tougher rules for daycare meal money programs, beef-up protection for the elderly, and provide relief for homeowners battling their mortgage servicing companies. They’re all tied to recent FOX 4 investigations.

Two years ago the state stuck Michael and Jean Kidd in a nursing home after deciding they were incapable of taking care of themselves. While in state custody their Richardson home sat neglected and in disrepair. The state also spent their money on legal fees and an unlicensed financial guardian while their home nearly fell in to foreclosure.

Other bills filed by Senator Nelson, SB 220 and SB 221 would provide protection for the elderly and disabled and for individuals and their assets while under state guardianship.

"I could not believe that what I was seeing was taking place in this country," Senator Nelson told FOX 4.

SB 220 has been referred to the Senate Jurisprudence Committee and SB 221 has passed through the Senate and is currently in the House Human Services Committee.

Meanwhile, Michael and Jean Kidd say they are doing well. They have a guardian helping with their finances but they are in their own home.

Full Article and Source:
Investigations Trigger Legislation


  1. This article further reinterates the need for media attention. It does work!

  2. The more exposure to the problem the better. People need to speak at Town and County meetings .......... speak where ever there is a group who will listen ........

  3. Too bad it takes such media attention to get anything done, but it does. And I'm glad legislation has been triggered as a result.

  4. SB 286 deals only with adding the language "fair and reasonable"
    to the dispensing of fees.

    That's simply not good enough.

  5. The Kidds have a guardian "helping" with their finances?

    The truth is more like "helping him/herself to their finances"

  6. Thank you for pointing that out, Thelma!

  7. "I could not believe that what I was seeing was taking place in this country," Senator Nelson told FOX 4.

    Senator Nelson believe that and what is happening with court approval nationwide.

    Standing ovation and applause to FOX 4 for their hard work and efforts to bring these crimes to the citizens.

    Knowledge is power. Thank you Fox 4 and Senator Nelson.
