Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nebraska LB157: Debate Over Background Checks for Guardians

Legislative debate has begun on a measure that would requiring background checks for guardians and conservators and creating a central database of those guardians and conservators, among other things.

The bill (LB157) by state Sen. Colby Coash of Lincoln was borne of his work last year on a joint review committee to study the status of adult guardianships and conservatorships in the Nebraska court system.

His bill would require background checks for guardians and conservators and creating a central database that would include the status of guardian and conservatorships.

It would also require bonds for conservators when wards' assets are greater than $10,000. Much of Wednesday's debate centered on the bill's call to allow interested third parties to request more oversight when physical or mental health is in jeopardy.

Debate Over Background Checks for Guardians


  1. A central database with the status of guardians/conservators? I think I'm gonna faint! This is wonderful!

  2. Do the background checks apply to lawyers who serve as fiduciaries?

  3. Please keep us informed of this important debate, NASGA. I hope for the vulnerable citizens of Nebraska that this bill goes through.

  4. I agree database in the state of Nebraska?

    Now we need the other 49 states to use common sense and get in gear.

    I am a bit confused about 'debate' over background checks for guardians?

    What is their to debate?

    Just do it, this is common sense and those who oppose it should be removed from office and they need to be evaluated.

  5. There should be no debate.
    In view of the now publicized stealing by guardians, there must be background checks - and bonds.

  6. Has anyone read the September 2010 General Accounting Office report:

    Cases of Financial Exploitation, Neglect, and Abuse of Seniors

    Where is Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl? Hello Senator Kohl where are you?

    Big Daddy Kohl of the Aging Committee is the person who has this report, who supposedly reviewed this shocking report and decided that training is in order.

    Training? What?

    And I ask, how many times has Kohl suggested this ineffective answer to criminal behavior?

    And, who might be involved in training fiduciaries, guardians and conservators?

    Would it be the NGA? National Guardianship Association?

    And, is the NGA membership free? Is training free?

    I don't think so.

    Which elected officials receive campaign funds from NGA?

    Does the NGA have lobbyists?

    Wake up fellow Americans, are you getting the picture here?

  7. I tried to post a comment on this article yesterday, but couldn't get it to post.

    I am very encouraged. Iowa, Arizona and Nebraska are all getting on the stick.

    It's a great sign!

  8. Thank you, Senator Coash!

  9. I wonder who is against this bill. The debate is pretty straightforward and it appears to be a good bill. So, who would be against this
