Sunday, May 8, 2011

Iowa Task Force Forms to Fight Elder Abuse

A new task force has collected representatives from the top Bonner County elderly and specialized care, medical and law enforcement institutions to crack down on abuse against the vulnerable.

The Bonner County Elder/Vulnerable Adult Abuse Multi-Disciplinary Team, pulled together by Mary Jacobsen and Tamina Boonisar of Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho, held their first meeting as an official organization Thursday afternoon.

A group that includes representatives from local police and sheriff’s offices, the county prosecutor’s office, Bonner County EMS, Bonner County General Hospital, Bonner County Region 1 Mental Health, AAging Better In-Home Care, Panhandle Special Needs, The Bridge Assisted Living, Panhandle State Bank and Transitions in Progress, the task force aims to create a cooperative network to aid the county’s elderly.

“Our dream is that the various community agencies can muster together and make a difference in people’s lives,” Jacobsen said.

According to Jacobsen and Boonisar, elder abuse is on the rise nationally, but 85 percent of cases go unreported. That’s because the majority of abuse happens at the hands of close family, who often exploit their aging relative for financial gain. Since reporting that exploitation would effectively end their relationship with the family member, many seniors stay silent.

Full Article and Source:
Group Forms to Tackle Elder Abuse


  1. Are they looking at guardianship abuse?

  2. I think they're targeting family, StandUp.

  3. That's the usual statement made by AREA AGENCY jailers; they call themselves protectors. Yes families seem to have some member or adopted member who exploit and/or abuse an elder relative. THEN, GETTING the AGENCY TO DO THEIR JOB; INVESTIGATE the relatives to identify the abuser from the actual advocate is IMPOSSIBLE. Instead the AREA AGENCY'S practice is to support the family abuser, since they are no obstacle to the AGENCY agenda of looting & locking the elder up under the GUARDIANSHIP death sentence..."guardianship til duty to die time; the time the money is ALL GONE INTO the pockets of court appointed attys., agency mercenaries, the judge, nursing facility coffer, et al. _PAID FOR BY the WARD & the taxpayers. Oh, the advocating family member is slandered, robbed & usually forbidden to see the "ward" since advocates are obstacles to the AGENCY and/or guardian EXPLOITATION AGENDA. Check this description of elder abuse & exploitation for ACCURACY. We should actually believe that most elders HAVE NO LOVING FAMILY and INVOLUNTARY GUARDIANSHIPS that lock elders up in profitable understaffed corporate nursing facilities, while removing absolutely all choice from the elder is the best solution.
