Thursday, July 21, 2011

AZ: Judge Donahoe Resigns After Getting Caught in a Fib

Thursday, June 30 was Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Gary Donahoe’s last day on the bench.

In his May 5, 2011 letter of resignation to Gov. Jan Brewer, he quoted Seneca: “You must know for which harbor you are headed if you are to catch the right wind to take you there.”

He then wrote, “For over 21 years, my harbor has been the Arizona Superior Court in Maricopa County. I have felt a fresh wind at my back pushing me in a new direction …”

Some say he’s leaving due to too many forces breathing down the back of his neck, including Dr. James Houston, a former Northern Arizona University instructor, whose case against Attorney General Tom Horne, in his former capacities as Arizona State Superintendent of Schools and member of the Arizona Board of Education, was pending in Donahoe’s court.

However, as I reported back in April, “Corruption runs deep in Maricopa County as lawsuits continue,” Houston’s case suddenly became focused on Donahoe.

Houston believes it was due to repeated and embarrassing allegations of a corrupt judiciary caused by Donahoe’s actions that resulted in a “behind-the-scenes demand that he resign.”

Full Article and Source:
Judge Donahoe Resigns After Getting Caught in a Fib


  1. Isn't this the judge who was on the Lund case? Good riddance!

  2. Another one bites the dust!

  3. gosh -- I know a NY judge who fibs more than tells the truth and a pay raise if suggested

    must be a fib merit sliding scale, the more the fibs, the more the pay

    better yet

    check out 1-50 and in partiular #5
