Friday, July 15, 2011

Marti Oakley's Interview on Rense Radio



  1. Thank you, Marti. What a great interview!

  2. Marti Oakley is FEARLESS!

  3. Thank you, Marti, for all you have done and continue to do for this cause and for victims of this abuse.

  4. I am a big fan of Marti Oakley and her show.

  5. It is a great interview and I join with all the others who appreciate the good work Marti Oakley is doing to bring awareness to guardianship abuse.

  6. Marti Oakley has unbelievable courage,and backbone, she takes no prisoners and tells it like it is..

    Katy bar the doors and back up when Marti Oakley is on a mission to STOP despicable crimes of our disabled, our innocent children and our precious elderly that have become a big business across the nation called guardianship.

    You can take it to the bank Marti Oakley knows the truth, if Marti Oakley says it's happening believe it !

    There are thousands of families that have experienced the horrors of guardianship abuse and they will March on the front lines with Marti to get the TRUTH out to our Nation about the despicable crimes happening to our most vulnerable American Citizens.

    Guardianship in America is considered one of the most horrific crimes because not only does it destroy the victim but it also destroys and tears apart the families fighting for the victims rights.

    God Bless You Marti Oakley for standing up for what is RIGHT !
