Saturday, August 13, 2011

Alzheimer's Increasing with Rapid Aging Population

There are more than 5-million people suffering from Alzheimer's in the U.S., six out of ten of them will wander off at least once and baby boomers are being called the silver tsunami.

The amount of Silver Alerts for elderly with dementia is up, but according to the Alzheimer's Association so is early diagnoses.

More than 10,000 Baby Boomers are turning 65 each day, and then chances for the disease go up every five years. Now just imagine you're loved-one is one of about 70-percent of them who will wander off.

"You want to find someone in the first 24-hours if they wander." Tiffany Phillips with the Alzheimer's Association says the triple digit temperature is dangerous because they don't take care of themselves, just focus on going to the place they once felt safe, that might not even exist anymore.

The number of people with Alzheimer's is expected to rise to 16 million by 2050.

Full Article, Video and Source:
Alzheimer's Increasing With Rapid Aging Population

1 comment:

  1. Persons with Alzheimer's are prime candidates for financial abuse, followed by guardianship abuse.
