Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is Gary Harvey Being Held Hostage for His Bank Account?

For six years, Gary Harvey has been minimally conscious on a drug regimen at cash-strapped St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira, N.Y. While his bank account empties he has undergone 31 surgeries in the past two years, according to his wife, who has no say in his insurance claims or treatment, has been removed as his Guardian, and has awaited an August ruling to begin bringing her husband home.

Listen to the interview!

See Also:
The Silence of Kevin Moshier

Join "Rescue Gary Harvey" on Facebook!


  1. What is wrong with an independent second medical opinion? Where was Kevin Moshier? What is his guardian hiding? Something smells like a sewer in Chemung County.

    Something is definitely wrong with this...

  2. Gary Harvey is merely an instrument of a good business plan ready to collapse while he is being kept under guardianship and isolated from his wife not for the sake of his needing protection as the county insists — but rather, for the sake of a profit to be derived by the greedy liars who are the puppet-masters in this sick game of Adult Protective Services guardianship.
    Let Gary Harvey come home to his loving wife and a loving environment — and when the Good Lord calls Gary to his final resting place, all who fight the good fight for Gary will be at peace, right along with Gary. Until then ……
    The corrupt “powers-to-be” in this case, and they know who they are —- are nothing short of a pack of liars and thieves. It is never the crime but rather the cover-up that brings down the game and who should know this better than the the Kevin Moshier, Bryan Maggs, Dr. Corbalan, and the county executive who is running the show himself all who turns a deaf ear to a disabled veteran.

  3. There is fundamental liberty interest protected by due process of law and equal protection under the law in the right of a family to remain united. The power of the state to intrude into the family unit, especially by nefarious means rife with nefarious self-serving motives and deliberate indifference, is not boundless nor will it go unchecked.

    For the County Social Services to end up as Gary’s guardian, by the means and processes that they did, and then see to it that Chemung County Nursing Facility had a “resident/patient” and an annual income is nothing short of a kidnapping,— hostage-taking for profit, or as the statute reads, “ransom, reward, or otherwise.”

    If this madness does not stop now our children, boomers, and disabled people are doomed.

  4. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that they revoked guardianship from Gary’s wife, yet Michael Schiavo maintained guardianship over his wife, Terri.

    This is certainly a time for concentrated prayer. These poor people. All while under the care of a Catholic hospital. Do we believe in anything in this diocese? Or is this another example of the local church being disconnected from the universal Church?

    What is so frustrating about this story is that a wife is trying to fulfill the commitment she made to her husband on their wedding day – to love and honor him in sickness and in health. She should be getting support from the Church for this witness to suffering and instead she is betrayed. What a tragedy.

  5. Good Job Tim Lahrman and the support you bring for the cause. I cannot thank you enough for all the hard work, support and efforts you have helped in Gary’s plight, and for all the others that are caught in the vicious system. Our hearts and appreciation is extended to you for your advocacy.

    Thank you Geoff Langhome for this wonderful opportunity.

    May this interview and many to follow conquer and send a message to the American people that we are not going to stand for it.

    Those in fact complete strangers have no business making decisions on your loved one.

  6. What ever happened to Bryan Maggs and what does he have to say in all of this? he has been pretty silent lately.

    I think it is about time for his turn in the events of what hand he has had in the isolation of Gary Harvey.

  7. Kevin Moshier is becoming quite the *Star* celeberity. Hope he looks good in an orange jump suit with the rest of the county club.

    I bet his family and church are real proud of what he allowed happen to Mr. Harvey and his family.

  8. Who is the doctor over seeing this mans care?

    What kind of a doctor is he and where is he from?

    This is just outrageous what this county doctor has done.

    Does anyone know why Mr. Harvey has had so many issues?

    I think Mr. Harvey needs protection from his abusers.

    Has anyone filed any complaints?

  9. Seriously where is the guardian? She has been just as silent as Mr. Moshier? What is she doing? Why from articles I have read she tried to kill this man. Rita Gould tried to end this mans life and she is suppose to protect him. Am I missing something here? Where is Kill and protect fit?

    This makes no since. Why is she still in control?

  10. Yes, it sure seems that's what they're holding on to.

  11. where in the world are State officials to investigate this matter. This man and his wife want an independent second medical opinion and a county guardian will not permit this to happen, this makes no sense whatsoever. Why would a guardian not permit a second medical opinion, is this guardian protecting the doctor and hospital from something? I don't get it, what is so wrong with an independent second opinion unless this guardian and doctor have something to hide and it sure sounds like they do.

    My prayers go out to this loving couple.

  12. Did anyone one of these characters ever consider Mr. Harvey? Did they? Sure does not look it. My heart goes out to Mr. Harvey and all the needless suffering that he and his wife has endured. What goes around comes around. Karma will get them all.

    How would anyone of them feel if this was their loved one? Turn their back? all over a dollar. Was it worth Kevin Moshier, the guardian and doctor e’tal?

    Oh that’s right the doctor does NOT care about marriage, ask Karen and former nurse for the good doctor at CCNF.

    There are more dirty secrets that will prevail.Stay tooned.

  13. David,

    Francisco Corbalon is the doctor and he is a geriatrics doctor. He is apparently from Spain as he boasts his degree is from the University of Valencia.

    There is no good explanation of why all the issues and procedures -- except it pays well and provides justification for keeping Gary in an acute state and in need of hospitalization. Being hospitalized increases a person risk of infection by nearly 50 percent or better and ironically Gary has had an inordinate number of very serious life-threatening infections. Aside of this the Dr. claims a need for numerous surgeries to maintain a cathater which, the manufacture of the cathater insists should dwell for up to a year without problems .. so you tell me -- why all the procedures? Because Gary has private insurance? Because the attorneys for the guardian are the same attorneys representing the hospital?? Seems a bit too cozy for my liking.

    Anyhow, there have been numerous complaints filed with various agencies and authorites and it sadly appears that either the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing -- or else the left hand washes the right hand and vice-versus. Either way the case is now before a panel of NY Appellate Division Justices on a petition for writs that should put an end to the games in this case and finally provide Gary with justice, which is long, long, long overdue.

    Thank you David for keeping an eye on this story --- more to come no doubt in the days ahead

  14. Do you think any one of these would volunteer for community service for a non-profit organization? working with victims and their families?

    Maybe they would see what we see.

  15. It's always about money. If we follow the money trail, does it lead to the county be reimbursed for holding on to Gary? Probably. What about St. Joseph's Hospital? What are they getting reimbursed?

    And is Gary's estate paying for all this too?

  16. I listen to this radio program regularly and this is one of the most horrific stories I have every heard. What is it with these American courts that they think so little of life and people.

    Thank you disrespect for telling this story, I'll be sure I never cross the border into NY for fear that I may never make it back home.

  17. I found Kevins picture on the blog today...hiding it in archives was pretty clever NASGA.....Do you have any others that are just as good as the one I found???

  18. My brother and sister-in-law have a brain injured child that they care for at home. Why is it that this man is being kept in a hospital? Sounds to me like a complete waste of medical resources. Also sounds like someone is running a scam on this family and their insurance company. What guardian in their right mind would not want this family to be together?

  19. What good does it do filing complaints David?

    I files a complaint 2009 and I finally got a reply from this dad is dead...too late.

    They turn deaf ears while the tax have to pay for the abuse of our elders and vulernable loved ones...

    Attorneys, doctors and judges alike who have the buddy system in place will always prevail if the federal government does not step and stop this fox guarding the hen house deal they got going on.

  20. Good interview. It really makes them look bad.

    Praying for Gary.....

  21. my God how can this be happening.

    I would not want to be any of the people behind this come judgment day.

  22. Justia link for Kevin Moshier

    Are you Kevin Moshier?
    Claim and update your profile.Kevin Moshier Legal Experience: 29 years

    Jurisdictions: New York
    100 Washington St
    Elmira, NY 14901
    (607) 271-9262

    Practice Areas
    Family Law

    I guess this explains his behavior in the Harvey marriage.

  23. Stephanie any guradian would want to keep their hands dipped in the pot of gold when you get funds from the state abd federal government for programs that include a percentage of administraion and medical fees.

    I read somewhere that the cost for Mr. Harvey was well over 2 million a year.

  24. Gary Harvey's court-appointed guardian gets to go home to his/her family every nite after work and enjoy a normal life.

    And yet, Gary Harvey, isn't allowed to do the same?

    It's ridiculous and it's criminal what they're doing to him.

    Who knows how long Gary Harvey has to live? Only God. But, chances are he won't live as long as he would have if he hadn't had the accident.

    But,now is his greatest time of need. Now is when he should be with his family.

    He needs to go home and have home care.

  25. Why I think Chemung County resembles this but it is still a little below there standard ain’t that right Bryan Maggs who is the front man and Kevin Moshier the plant.
    WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, Chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, today released a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report that found a need for stronger screening and oversight of guardians appointed to make financial decisions for incapacitated adults.

    There are over 765,000 Social Security beneficiaries with a fiduciary or guardian. A 2010 GAO report identified hundreds of allegations of physical abuse, neglect and financial exploitation by guardians in 45 states and the District of Columbia between 1990 and 2010. In reviewing 20 of those cases, GAO found that guardians, who sometimes represent multiple wards, stole or otherwise improperly obtained $5.4 million in assets from 158 incapacitated victims, many of whom were seniors.
    Ken Willis (Kohl) – (202) 224-5364

  26. How in the world did Kevin Moshier conclude that Gary did not want his wife in his life and as his guardian?


    and to think that Gary gets no rehabilitative treatment whatsoever, nor has he ever had a comprehensive brain imaging scan

    and to think that a second opinion is being denied

    what is wrong with this picture

  28. What an awful story. I appauld Geoff Langhome for voicing the words of the vulernable and disabled.

    Your words speaks volumes Mr. Langhome.

  29. Thanks Tim for the info. From the medical profession it is quite embarrassing to say that he is any kind of a doctor. I would not let him treat my dogs.

    How in the world did Kevin Moshier conclude that Gary did not want his wife in his life and as his guardian or ever go home?

    Where did any of them conclude that Gary wanted wanted to be isolated?

  30. The Universal Declaration of Human Right

    Article 1

    "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
    one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

    Article 6

    "Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere
    as a person before the law."

    must be that Chemung County and its agents, Kevin Moshier included, do not care to adhere to the rule of law

  31. Chemung county like any other county in is in seriuos debt.

    They should layoff some of those county employees and save the tax a whole of money.

    Don't know how many more law suits they will be able to afford but hey what does Kevin Moshier, Bryan Maggs and Tom Santuli care...they get paid regardless of what it is costing the taz payers.

  32. Good point Bob. How do you stop it when you make the candy, own the store, the supplies,employees, and get to eat and keep all the profits from business?
