Monday, August 15, 2011

Man Accused of Kidnapping Mother Arrested

A Great Falls man accused of kidnapping his elderly mother from an assisted-living facility was arrested while trying to secure legal guardianship of her in Lake Tahoe, Calif.

James Wainscoat, 70, was found in Lake Tahoe with his 92-year-old mother Troy Wainscoat and the woman's granddaughter, 18-year-old Ishayah Wainscoat.
James Wainscoat and Ishayah Wainscoat were both arrested. James Wainscoat has been charged with felony kidnapping and is held on a $100,000 bond in California, the Great Falls Police Department said. Ishayah Wainscoat was charged with accountability to kidnapping and was held on a $25,000 bail. She has since bonded out, police said.

Full Article and Source:
Great Falls Man Accused of Kidnapping Mother Arrested in California


  1. Why? Was it a matter of bad care or was it about money?

  2. We don't know the circumstances, of course, but how many people have we heard who wished they could just take their loved one out of bad care circumstances? Far too many.

  3. if it was a bad place they can file a report with dss. not just remove a person without their meds, clothing or walker! here is more on the story:

  4. The story was continued on Aug 12, 2011 in the Tribune. Perhaps NASGA could update the link.
    I actually thought about doing something similar to rescue my father, but knew I would be arrested. I did contact the local 'dss' portraying themselves as 'aps' who were connected with those who helped institutionalize my father. There are groups and individuals connected out there who prey upon the elderly. My father is now deceased and I allege that his demise is the result of abuse and neglect by bad guardians, a conservator, and all the other predators. He developed pneumonia after hating life in that place where he was locked up for the last 8 months of his life when he was fine at home with me, his dog, and the good caregivers who actually cared about him.
    I will be joining NASGA soon and will do everything in my power to 'legally' seek justice on behalf of my beloved deceased father. For Congress to listen, we need more public awareness of the outrage that is harming our elderly. We need to get these stories out in the media until someone pays attention. With the presidential election coming up, this next year may be a good time.

  5. How come the good guys always end up in jail?
