Thursday, August 11, 2011

NASGA Member Rena Moss on Northshore 'Live' Cooper's Corner

Bev Cooper interviews Ms. Moss who escaped guardianship.

Rena Moss - A Probate Survivor, Part 1

Rena Moss - A Probate Survivor, Part 2

Rena Moss - A Probate Survivor, Part 3

Rena Moss - A Probate Survivor, Part 4

See Also:
Northshore "Live" Cooper's Corner Blog

Note: Northshore "Live" Cooper's Corner Host Bev Cooper has dedicated these programs to those who are victims of Cook County Probate Court. Live broadcasts are aired in Highland Park on channel 19 Wednesday at 7:30 PM.


  1. Rena, you are an inspiration!

  2. Court friendly medical and non medical doctors who rubber stamp CCP2111's are rampant in Cook County and include, but not limited to Dr. Geoffrey Shaw (office in Northfield, IL),****. I'm happy to see that once and a while justice prevails.

  3. Good interview, Rena and Bev. And Rena, you are a strong woman!

  4. I'm so glad to see Cooper's Corner videos. I have heard good things about the show and appreciate all you do to give victims a voice, Bev.

    Congratulations, Rena!

  5. Very interesting. I'm so glad that it worked out for Rena. Thank you to Bev for this wonderful show.

  6. Rena, you've been through hell and you survived. What a legacy for your grandchildren!

  7. Thank you for posting and sharing your story. I am sorry for what you were put through.

  8. I'm glad to see Cooper's Corner on the NASGA blog and also on you tube!

  9. A success story! You're a SURVIVOR, Rena. You have achieved a miracle. God Bless you!

  10. Bev Cooper, I would not call any police to my home no matter what the reason, cooling center or not, they can use this against a vulnerable adult saying they have self neglect or cannot care for themselves. Its not wise to trust anyone in government or authority. Look out for yourselves. After what we went through with an illegal forced guardianship I would never voluntarily call the Police to my home or anyone elses.

  11. I'm glad some of the victims have had an opportunity to voice what has happened to them. My mother was under guardianship for 9 years (until her death) even though she was of sound mind,and was forced to stay at an abusive nursing home -- which I documented in the way of pictures-- after 6 years and all her money used to pay court expenses, court appointed guardian attorneys, etc. I was appointed her legal guardian and I took mother to 3 psychiatrists, all of which agreed that mother was NOT incapacitated; what's wrong with this picture? congrats Rena voice it wheverever you go, most people don't know, care, or think it will ever happen to them !
