Monday, August 15, 2011

Sara Harvey on her Wedding Anniversary...

I did this for you today Gary.

I went to the court and protested to the Judge who gave you to the county.

Facebook: Rescue Gary Harvey


  1. Stay strong, Sara. These perps know they're wrong.

  2. What courage you have, Sara.

  3. You look strong and determined standing there, Sara. I bet Gary was so happy that you did this for him.

  4. Go to "Rescue Gary Harvey" Face book page and see the updates...My my how awful.

  5. It’s all about control. Sick they are what they are doing to this couple and their marriage.

  6. RE:DaN
    I see what you mean, looks like the news is getting out about this horrible story. How on earth do these people sleep? Looks to me like Kevin Moshier turned his back on this man and his wife. Why do you suppose he would do such a thing? Does he get a kickback from the county? Hhhhmmmm makes you wonder what his motive is.

  7. This is not how anniversaries are supposed to be spent. Shame on the county and this country for allowing such saddness to enter the lives of innocent people. This can not be America any more.

    Maggs, Moshier, Chemung County needs to be held accountable.

  8. Wonder if this is how Kevin Moshier spends his quality time with his wife.

    Watch him retaliate...

  9. 1 might be a lonely number (old 3Dog Night song), but it is still a force to be reckoned with when a dozen or more cannot stop just 1

    Kuddos to Sara Harvey, and to Gary Harvey too, for neither is giving up nor giving in and this gross injustice will soon be seen for what it truely is --- a scam

  10. This is UNAMERICAN, a shameful disgrace and if Gary could he would stand up for his wife Sara.

    He would not let these people get away with their evil harmful ways keeping his wife out of his life.

    Husband and wife til death do they part.

    What's so hard to understand about this?

  11. The Facebook page continues to grow -- let the light of scrutiny fall upon what's happened here!

  12. what i would really like to write whats in my mind will be rejected by the good people at nasga those in control of gary are on a power trip knowing they are harming him will they ever admit they are wrong wrong wrong? life is precious and gary's life has been altered years ago the time he has left on this earth needs to be spent with those who care and love him without interference from people on a power trip people addiccted to power and control of others lives makes me sick this breaks my heart and tears at my soul.

  13. You shouldn't have had to do this, Sara. It's not right and there's nothing they can say that will make it right. I don't know if they've just lost their hearts or their heads, but for sure they've lost their moral compass.

  14. I wonder how Kevin Moshier would feel if he couldn't spend his anniversary with his wife. And does he even give it a thought Sara and Gary Harvey should be able to spend their anniversary together too?

  15. Interesting subject brought up here what would Gary say about this forced separation of husband and wife? Reviewing the photos on Rescue Gary Facebook page it is very easy to see the happiness in Sara and Gary's eyes smiling sincere smiles of love, security and inner peace. In my book this is a no brainer oh excuse me maybe that is excactly what is missing here ~~ brains!

  16. Good for you, Sara. Keep standing tall.

  17. We are with you and Gary, Sara. And we hope Gary's guardian takes the blinders off of theier eyes and wakes up too.

  18. Sorry to say Standup but it appears their hearts went to their pockets.

  19. Your place in heaven is secure, Sara. The guardian should be worried about his/her place in heaven.

    I just joined the Facebook group for Gary's rescue.

  20. Perhaps if Kevin Moshier loses his job over what injustices that has been trampled upon with Gary and Sara Harvey by him and his freinds in the county,...... perhaps just maybe he might get a small and I say very small taste of what he did to this family when he sold his client Gary Harvey out all those years ago.

    Having no income is nothing to what this man and his wife have suffered.

    Can not take back or make up the time that has been lost nor what Gary Harvey has suffered over the years.

    These so called protectors are blind and think Gary can not hear, feel or see. How do they know?

  21. There are two kinds of lawyers, those who know the law and those who know the judge...Guess which one Kevin Moshier, Bryan Maggs and Don Thomson are?

  22. Diane reports for jury duty as ordered, and promptly asks to be excused because she believes she's prejudice. "I took one look at those shifty eyes and that cheap polyester suit and I immediately knew that he was guilty as sin."
    "Sit down," says the judge. "That's the prosecuting attorney." and we all know who that is....I am so sorry Sara that your husband got such a bad deal.

  23. Jason

    I have visited Gary Harvey and I am here to tell you --- IF Gary could, he would !!!! I can see it in his eyes, Gary struggles to try and communicate. Just because "they say" he can't, does not mean he doesn't.

    Problem is in this instance the guardian is not fulfilling Gary's wishes which he communicated freely "right up to the moment of his unfortunate injury" [I put that in quotes because it comes from a NY guardianship case law]

    Think about it --- Gary was never "in the system" or "institutionalized" that his legal competence was ever questioned and so the decisions he made daily ---- right up to the moment of his accident --- should be honored. I certainly doubt that Gary ever told Kevin Moshier to "get my wife away from me" .... so how attorney Moshier ever concluded that the course he took was of Gary's wish --- is just absurd.

    An "indefinite" DSS guardianship --and Kevin Moshier says this is what he assumes would have been Gary's wish ..... rrrrrrriiiiiiighhhttt Kevin,

  24. An attorney was sitting in his office late one night surfing the internet, when the Devil appeared before him.

    The Devil told the lawyer, "I have a proposition for you. You can win every case you try, for the rest of your life. Your clients will adore you, your colleagues will stand in awe of you, and you will make embarrassing sums of money. All I want in exchange is your soul, your wife's soul, your children's souls, the souls of your parents, grandparents, and parents-in-law, and the souls of all of your friends and law partners."

    The lawyer thought about this for a moment, then asked, "So, what's the catch?"

    Sound like anyone you know?

  25. They seem to have refused to act in Gary Harvey's best interest but continue to act IN THEIR OWN best interest Chemung County and Mosier & Company have grossly failed their duties in my opinion.

  26. This case sucks! Some of these lawyers were from the same firm as the judge, and the the judge said "They waived the conflict."
    THEY can't waive the conflict; that's the prerogative of the other side, which was hijacked by the judge.

  27. Guardianship sucks when you have ones that are appointed with no accountability. The courts are failing to protect miserably the vulernable, disbaled and elder..

  28. Tim back at you. My husband NEVER wanted a divorce, he NEVER wanted to be isolated from me. His choice would be HOME as most people would want to be.

    Gary's choice for a truly independant second medical opinion would be his choice as he has always had one in the past and this what anyone of us would want if we faced the challenges that my husband has.

    I have been silent for years with Mr. Moshier in hopes he would have a change of heart. I gave him the benefit of doubt. I was wrong about him and SHALL NOT be silent no more. I will vocalize and expose him for what he did to my husband and our marriage just so that he does NOT do this to anyone else.

    Mr. Moshier had no reason or excuse as a christain to do the acts he has done. I hope and pray my voice exposing his dirty deeds helps to saves the lives, and suffering of others that he so openly likes to destroy.

    He could still do the right thing...but will he?

  29. What has the appointed guardian been doing to protect this man?

  30. If this is what Chemung county, Deretha Watterson, Kevin Moshier, Linda Daino, Rita Gould, Bryan Maggs and Don Thomson have in mind for their wards as “best wishes, preferences and desires” our country is in serious trouble if this does not stop now.

  31. Bob, Dan, Tim, all,

    I never wanted Mr. Moshier in our life. My former attorney insisted that he be there as representation for my husband and how he was on Gary's side. I said "NO" and somehow my former attorney convinced me into having him
    re-appointed, and how Mr. Moshier was truly on Gary’s side the very day where I was already stressed when they wanted to execute him, even though I did not like it nor did I want it!, and what did Mr. Moshier do? Did he put a motion to have the county removed because of "their" using “poor judgment”... He sold Gary out once before and at the fatal turn of events on the February 1, 2007 sentencing of my husband, he sure as heck would do it again.

    I had my doubts then and I have my doubts now.

  32. maybe this attorney Kevin Moshier got Sara mixed up with the ex-wife

  33. The crooks just don't give up.

  34. Good for you Sara. This is an important case for us all. All liberties and freedoms are tested here. What a shame for Gary to be controlled and used as a financial pawn for a system that probably didn't know of the importance of the date. What does this say of our current State of affairs when a wife that continues to fight for her husband for all these years shows such ability and courage that the court cannot measure or knows the meaning of such a selfless act.

  35. In as much as this case involving Gary is about liberty and freedom, it is also about the public's confidence in the integrity of the judcial process to be fair and impartial ---- you know the one where the judge is palzy whalzy with the attorneys from the firm, and where the guardian's attorney Don Thomson is a member of the Board of Director's of the hospital where Gary is held as a medical hostage ...

    I suppose in response to this Kevin Moshier would say --- "I am confused ..."

  36. No Tim!!! Kevin Moshier would change the subject like he did in the January 7th hearing., by giving the signals "oh you need a drink of water" or "I'm confused, did Mrs. Harvey want to withdraw Attorney's Shaw motion?
