Friday, October 14, 2011

NASGA Affiliate's Petition Collects Its 100th Signature! More Needed!

NASGA Affiliate Tom Fields created this petition with one purpose in mind, to guarantee for all the justice which he and others, including many of NASGA's members, have been denied.

According to Fields, this petition addresses a common injustice practiced by authorities according to which the criminal complaints of its citizens are routinely dismissed as civil complaints, often without even attempting an investigation of the facts.

According to Fields, without the Constitutional guarantee sought by this petition, too many of us have been denied the justice which we believe our Constitution guarantees us, especially its FIFTH and SEVENTH AMENDMENTS, according to which

• No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, and

• In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ...

By means of the Constitutional guarantee sought by this petition, due process of law will require just what this guarantee says in all matters, both criminal and civil.

Fields believes many of NASGA’s members will want to sign this petition. He also believes it is important for them to do so, and do so quickly. Why? Because this petition needs 50 more signatures in order for the White House to include it with other petitions under its Open Petitions tab.

Finally, Fields notes several of those who have signed encountered various difficulties while trying to sign. A major difficulty was created by one ISP, which had been inadvertently blocking the e-mails which the White House sends to confirm the identity of the person creating the account needed to sign the petition. Fortunately the ISP cooperated to identify and resolve the difficulty.

Anyone who needs help signing the petition or wants more information about it should call (440/255-7693) or write ( Fields.

Sign the Petition

See Also:
White House Creates Website for Online Petitions


  1. Thanks, Tom, for all the hard work you do.

  2. Good idea. I hope you are able to get the required number of signatures.

  3. Thank you are doing a wonderful job!

  4. Thank you NASGA for helping me reach out to others who want to make it clear that we want to take back our legal system from those who have made it a game with rules that serve themselves more than justice.

    Meanwhile, the petition at (case sensitive) is now just 15 signatures short of the 150 which it needs to gain greater recognition on the White House's website. In other words, this petition will get that recognition if just 16 more members of NASGA add their signature to it.

    Finally, offers another petition which complements the petition at I believe many NASGA members will also want to sign because it specifically addresses guardianship abuse.

  5. I signed already and am hoping you get enough signatures, Tom.

  6. Good work, Mr. Fields.

  7. Great work on behalf of all victims. Thank you Tom.EB

  8. Great job Tom! Your dedication to this cause is admirable. It's a privilege and an honor to know you.
