Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pauper V Probate: Children as Pawns for Judicial Retribution

Throughout the course of The “Temporary” Conservatorship of John Daniel Tate, my daughters have been shamelessly used as pawns, not only by the court, but especially in cooperation with my ex-wife, Katerina Kazokos Tate, who has used our daughters as pawns without giving second thought. I have kept my ex-wife out of the press for the sake of the children, but there is no depth to this depravity, so now I must expose her, for she is causing great harm to my daughters.

This post will lay out, document by document, just one recent example of this egregious action, and by the time you’re done reading, you should be outraged at what lengths a court will stoop to harm in order to protect itself.

In a recent post, I’ve made reference to how Tennessee Homeland Security has, in effect, caused my ejection from the state of Tennessee. In this on-line pleading I will demonstrate what this entails, how it happened, and all parties involved in this illegal, fraudulent and malicious action. You will be outraged and, I would hope, further compelled to join me in my effort to have Judge Randy Kennedy impeached.

Judge Phillip Smith is involved, 4th Circuit Court, Davidson County, TN, whose divorce/child support courtroom is right down the hall from Judge Kennedy’s, and whose abuse of robes appear to be marching orders of retribution, and this allegation was also suggested to me by attorney Michael Hoskins, but will outrage the reader by the time you’ve “followed the paper trail”, and see how these illegal practitioners will unconscionably use children as pawns in their acts of judicial retribution, in cooperation with DCS and especially Child Support Services.

Full Article and Source:
ImpeachRandyKennedy: Pauper V Probate - Children as Pawns for Judicial Retribution


  1. People often put their children in the middle and it appears that's what Danny's wife has done here. Very sad.

    You're a good father, Danny. Nothing can take that away.

  2. It's bad enough when parents pit their children against each other, but when the judiciary starts using the kids to get revenge, that's an all new low!

  3. It certainly sounds like judges Smith and Kennedy are buddies and working together. This makes me sick.

  4. This is the norm with guardianship abuse.

  5. Using children is child abuse. No mercy.
