Wednesday, December 7, 2011

9 Judges Who Disgraced the Bench

Judges are leaders who are expected to exercise good judgment when presiding over cases. For the most part, judges have no problem using good judgment in and outside of court, but by no means are they perfect. These men and women do not have legal immunity, and when they break the law, they pay for it like every other citizen. Here are 9 judges who disgraced the bench:

1. Judge William Adams: Texas Judge William Adams disgraced the bench when a video was released of him viciously lashing his then-16-year-old daughter because she was illegally downloading from the Internet.

2. Clarence Thomas: Before Clarence Thomas was appointed to the High Court, he was accused of sexual harassment by his former assistant, Anita Hill.

3. Judge Samuel Kent: Texas Judge Samuel Kent disgraced the bench when he was indicted for allegedly sexually abusing his former case manager in 2008.

4. Judge James Heath: Judge James Heath found himself in deep water when he was arrested for drunk driving.

5. Mark Ciavarella: Mark Ciavarella, a Pennsylvania juvenile court judge, disgraced the bench when he got caught accepting money to send minors to juvenile prison.

6. George R. Korpita: New Jersey Judge George R. Korpita disgraced the bench when he was arrested for drunk driving and allegedly told the police officers to "get the Vaseline out and bend over."

7. Judge John Suddock: Superior Court Judge John Suddock violated judicial rules when he approached a state commissioner outside of court and discussed the case.

8. Supreme Court Justice Gerald Garson: Gerald Garson is a former New York Supreme Court Justice who found himself in the hot seat when got caught accepting bribes to settle custody in a divorce case.

9. Judge Thomas Porteous: New Orleans Federal Judge Thomas Porteous disgraced the bench when he kept his relationship with a lawyer in a federal case a secret.

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  1. Why include Justice Thomas on this list? He was ACCUSED of abuse by someone who gained notority (and money) with her accusation.

  2. Boy, if we made the list, it would go on and on, wouldn't it?

    I know there are good judges too, but the bad ones really do alot of damage to innocent people and the judiciary discipline boards basically just turn their heads.

  3. I agree with Anon on Judge Thomas I don't think he fits in the category of judges who 'disgraced' the bench. I remember those hearings and I had reservations about the accusations and the reaction.

    To the other judges who made this list (and to those who have done wrong but got away with it) shame on you. I imagine the good judges are disturbed by this list.

  4. Boo for putting Justice Thomas on the list. Anyone can make accusations. They were never proven, he was never charged or indicted or convicted of anything. Further, she has profited off the entire situation. Adding him to the list was really uncalled for.

  5. I think Thomas was guilty of sexual misconduct and has no place on the bench.

    It's the high court, after all.

  6. "Kim said...I think Thomas was guilty of sexual misconduct and has no place on the bench. It's the high court, after all."

    You think? Really. The man was never arrested, indicted, convicted. He was also never sued in a civil case by Anita Hill. Hill also followed Thomas to a second job after the alleged harassment happened. She also waited 10 years to make any complaint. Not to mention, Hill went to Thomas for a job reference - also after the alleged harassment. Sorry, in this country innocent until proven guilty. I suppose you can "think" whatever you like, but Thomas hardly belongs on a list like this when there are absolutely no PROVEN allegations against him.
