Monday, December 26, 2011


The U.S. Chamber is applauding a film that documents how the greatest system of justice in the world is being compromised by greed and corruption.

InJustice reveals the history behind America’s “lawsuit industry” and how it had transformed the practice of law from a calling into a multi-billion dollar a year business. The film by award-winning producer Brian Kelly highlights the abuses of opportunistic trial lawyers and reveals how their actions affect the court system, the legal profession, and lawsuit victims.

“Riveting. Fascinating. A revealing look under the hood of the American lawsuit industry. Anything thinking of hiring a lawyer should see this movie,” says Steve Forbes, president and CEO of Forbes, Inc.

InJustice takes viewers on an journey through the dark corridors of lawsuit scams and abuses, including asbestos and silicosis litigation, the Fen-Phen diet scandal, the mega-million dollar tobacco settlements, Wall Street power grabs, and shakedown operations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

YouTube:InJustice Trailer


  1. This looks interesting!

  2. What can be done about this? The system is rigged so the crooks in the system can perpetrate their scams.

  3. The book would be complete if it included the collusion amongst unethical attorneys, judges, and guardianship owners who together deplete estates of the elderly disabled.

    Perhap the sequel will delve into this most despicable role that greedy attorneys assume.

  4. I will go to my public library and see if I can get a video of this one. It looks good.
