Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pastor Accused of Financial Exploitation of Elderly Man

Earlier this month, it was reported that a 78-year-old disabled man in Minnesota was financially exploited by his friend and pastor. The elderly man suffers from Parkinson's disease, diabetes and paranoid schizophrenia, and the 31-year-old pastor had apparently befriended the elderly man when he came to his church.

He soon became the man's health care proxy and then obtained a power of attorney over the man's finances, which gave the pastor control over the disabled man's finances and bank account. The pastor then placed the man in a total-care nursing home in which all of the man's needs were supposed to be met.

While he was in the nursing home, from June 2010 to February 2011, more than $16,000 in withdrawals were made from the elderly man's bank account. Several of the withdrawals appeared suspicious, including 130 cash withdrawals from ATMs. Other suspicious activity included fast food purchases, cable television payments and cell phone payments.

During that time period, the disabled man's nursing home's bills were not being paid. He currently owes almost $13,000 and could be evicted for non-payment.

The pastor has been charged with four felony counts of financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult.

California residents who need help with their finances, or whose loved ones need financial management, need be aware of just how critical it is to have a trusted person take care of those responsibilities. As this story shows, however, even a person with a background that encourages trust can turn out to be untrustworthy, so family members and residents should always carefully verify the actions of those in positions of financial trust.

Full Article and Source:
Pastor Accused of Financial Abuse of 78-Year-Old Disabled Man

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