Friday, December 23, 2011

Probate Sharks: Attorney's Laptop Confiscated in Open Court

Editor's note: Swirls from the Shark Tank...An attorney monitoring the Sykes case in Judge Stuart's courtroom, in the Probate Court of Cook County, had her laptop confiscated in open court by a bailiff. No reason was given for the confiscated laptop and the laptop was returned.
~Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster,


See Also:
NASGA Victims - Mary Sykes

Note: Gloria Sykes is a NASGA member.


  1. I got caught with a tape recorder in court, had it grabbed by guards, when the judge gave them the nod.

    They kept the tape, but returned the recorder. I added a new tape and this time hid the "on" signal light!

  2. Sounds like the judge is playing dirty in Cook County!

  3. What was the motive, the basis for this action of seizing this lawyer's laptop? Oh, I forgot this is Crook County Illinois. Watch your backs folks.

  4. My question is: Did the laptop ever get out of eyesight of its owner? Were the confidentiality of her files compromised?

    What gave the court the right to confiscate a device being used to take notes? Next thing we know, paper and pencil won't be allowed either.

    Seems like a major violation of Constitutional rights.

  5. The Sharks are keeping a very watchful eye on the goings on in Cook County, IL.

  6. I hope this attorney is filing a grievance on the judge.

  7. This reminds me of the Disney case in AZ where the judge bullied the lawyer, had him handcuffed and taken off to jail...

  8. Thejudge should be forced to recuse herself from this case and from any case she provides over in which this attorney is the attorney for or any case this attorney is assisting another attorney on.

  9. Yes a grievance should be filed for sure. This judge should recuse herself on her own, but likely will hold on like a bad case of herpes.
