Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two Utah Nurses Fired for Taping Woman's Mouth Shut

Two nurses in a Utah hospital's intensive care unit were fired this week for taping a patient's mouth shut and laughing about it, hospital officials said.

Artalejo's daughter, Brittany Bilson, told the television station that her mother's teeth were chattering and she was moaning and shaking. Bilson said the nurses told her mother to shut up, taped her mouth closed and joked they would be fired if they were caught.

Penny Artalejo was admitted to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo on Dec. 17 with nausea and anxiety from taking medication for chronic neck pain, her daughters told Utah radio station

"It's not right. It's inhumane," Bilson said. "We put our loved ones' lives in their hands. I left the hospital basically thinking she's fine from here, and just more bad happened."

Full Article,Video and Source:
Taping Patient's Mouth Shut: Utah Nurse Fired For Treatment Of Penny Artalejo


  1. They should also be blackballed from working anywhere around hospitals, facilities, etc.

    And they should prosecuted.

  2. Whenever I see what I think is bad people at their lowest, I am proven wrong again.

    I hope these nurses get sued.

  3. They joked? It wouldn't be so funny if it happened to them!

  4. When my loved one was targeted for guardianship in Cook County Probate Court by a registered nurse who owns her own guardianship company, I was appalled.

    Unfortunately she is not the only evil nurse in this world, as seen by the nurses in this story.

    Nurses like this do not deserve to hold a license for a profession that is supposed to exude caring and trust.
