Thursday, January 19, 2012

Editorial: Circle the Wagons; You Could be Next!

As I look back over the years of my life I find that I have been brought full circle back to my childhood.

I was just a young child when television and movies were still in black and white, when the “western” was a theme of more programs and movies than not. A time when “circle the wagons” and “white-man speak with forked tounge” meant little or nothing to me; after all, I am caucasian and it was just a tv show or movie.

I was, of course, a bit older when the 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement was in full force, when oppression and discrimination of the races was “in our face.” Then there was the 1970s with Vietnam and a Washington, D.C., administration that quit their jobs before being faced with prison for their crimes. Oh, these were reassuring times alright, and far more reality-based than the cowboys and Indians on the silver screen.

So what does all this have to do with today, when I am now older than I ever dreamt as a young child?

I now know what the Indian meant when he said, “white man speak with forked tounge”. I now know what the oppression, discrimination and retaliation of the Civil Rights Era meant to those who were oppressed and discriminated. How do I know these things as an aging caucasian female? Because my mother is under a court-appointed guardianship shoved into a nursing home against her will just like the American Indians who were guardianized by their treaties and shoved onto the reservations, only to be lied to, neglected and exploited by the very “forked-tounge” establishment who promised them care and protection.

I am utterly amazed and disappointed that our politicians can proclaim to possess concern for the elderly, concerned that they will be abused, neglected and exploited, yet when I reach out for help and protection for my mother from those in a position who say they care and who have the authorty to do something about the injustice, I am met by a bunch of “forked-tounge” speaking establishment types who are more than content to enjoy their own freedom and liberty, while depriving my mother of her freedom and liberty.

A bit of advice in close, “circle the wagons” folks: You might be next, because guardianship abuse is on the rise, it is nothing new I have since learned, and it is likely coming to a loved one near you sooner than you might think.

Jane Branson
Member, NASGA - National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse

Circle the Wagons, You Could Be Next

See also:
Mollie Florkey, Ohio Victim

Judge in Mollie Florkey Case Recuses!


  1. Jane, as always my prayers are with you and your mother. You will prevail: this I know. As history has shown, the people who seek justice, do received justice. Unfortunately in these cases of Guardianship abuses of the elderly and disabled, no one wins! As unfortunate, the wrongdoers, who know what they're doing is pathetic and egregious, are so deep into churning assets of the elderly and disabled, that they actually believe what they are doiong is a good thing.. well, good for their pocket books. In the end, Jane, America must open it's eyes to this horror as it's true: what has happened to you and your mother, my mother and me, and thousands of other good, hard working, loving people (families) can happen to at any time to any person. Together, however, we can and will stop Guardianship abuse. God bless.

  2. I am an anonymous citizen, like us all. So, why give my name? My name will come up soon enough to be forced out of my home, put in a place the government thinks I should be.

  3. Jane is correct. Warning and Beware guardianship is the largest business in USA and growing every hour of every day with their eyes on your loved ones, eyes on you.

    Most people are under the false sense of security this cannot happen to them.

    This is exactly how to get blindsided false sense of protection is NO PROTECTION if you have income and assets you are a neon sign attracting predators always with their eye open for their prey.

    Being declared a ward of the state is a life sentence.

    Very few survive to be free and if they do they are left in financial ruins.

    Every US citizen is affected directly and indirectly.

  4. Jane, your good character comes through loud and cler in this editorial. Your Mother should be home under your care and I pray you are able to achieve this.

  5. History teaches us much if we are paying attention.

    Well stated Jane. Your mom is proud of all you are doing.

  6. It sure can happen to anyone. The trouble is people don't realize it until it's too late.

    Thank goodness for the support and advocacy I have gotten through NASGA. I am sure it's the same for you Jane.

  7. Life has changed so much and so quick. We used to take care of our old folks and relish the time together. Now, they're relegated to facilities and we have to fight for minimum care.

    Anytime an elderly person is able to be taken care of at home, that's exactly what should happen.

    Send Jane's mother home!

  8. We have to hope that there are good people who remember what justice is supposed to be and one or more of them will help you get your mother home.

  9. Godspeed to you and your Mom, Jane.
