Monday, January 30, 2012

NASGA Press Release: Boomers Beware of Guardianship and Conservatorship Abuse

For immediate release
January 30, 2012

For more information contact:
Annie McKenna, NASGA Media Liaison

Boomers Beware of Guardianship and Conservatorship Abuse

2012 won't be a happy year for aging Boomers taking care of their aged parents or becoming vulnerable themselves. Even if they had planned ahead by executing advance directives and making careful estate plans, they risk being sucked into an almost secret system which feeds itself by preying upon their vulnerability.

"Guardianships" or "Conservatorships" are "protective" proceedings managed by our American justice system in state courts across the country. Without adequate monitoring and oversight, there is a growing trampling of constitutional protections and civil and human rights by the very persons supposedly protecting our loved ones.

Fiduciaries - "persons of trust" - appointed by the courts to protect those adjudicated as incompetent are thus free to engage in a feeding frenzy: aggressively overbilling the estates of their wards with unnecessary and outrageous fees until there is nothing left.

The system is out of control and running amok, contrary to original intent, which was to:

• GUARD the vulnerable person from harming him/herself or others;
• CONSERVE his/her assets through prudent investment; and
• PROTECT the taxpaying public from the person becoming a public charge.

The result of these unlawful and abusive proceedings, among other things, is that when wards’ estates are bled dry by the excessive fee billing of fiduciaries, these wards are added by the fiduciary to the Medicaid rolls on the backs of taxpayers, victimizing the taxpaying public as well – an appalling travesty of law.

NASGA was created by family members and friends of victims of so-called "protective" proceedings where court-appointed fiduciaries took control of the lives, liberty and property of their loved ones and then breached their fiduciary duty, causing extensive and expensive litigation.

Boomers Beware of Guardianship Abuse
Boomers Beware of Conservatorship Abuse

GAO Report: Guardianships - Cases of Financial Exploitation, Neglect and Abuse of Seniors


  1. Thank you for making the public aware of this corruption. It is of great importance as politicians say more and more Americans will be headed into guardianship!

  2. If anyone is interested in checking out what can happen check out Retta Rickow in Florida! It is major corruption!

  3. They're eagerly awaiting the beginning of the $$$ feast.

  4. another necessary reminder, NASGA!

  5. Well another piece of the puzzle if you put in for a Probable Cause hearing surrounding the crime if a judge states there is no probable case you can not appeal it to a higher court only the prosecutor can that is how we know many prosecutors who are attorneys are looking out for their fellow attorneys rather than the American public. We are waiting for that lovely letter ......

  6. Ha now I know where my 401K is going to end up, in the pocket of the protection racket?

    Ha now I know I need to take safety measures safe ie my hard earned money for myself now isn't that a drastic fantasy?

    Ha what I want to say to those who have their eyes on me I can't put in writing here because I fear my comment would be rejected due to the 'STRONG ADULT LANGUAGE' which might be offensive to 'some people'.

    What are some of those '60s songs? Revolution, we need a revolution is playing in my memory songbank.

  7. Good going - more websites and more awareness is exactlyh what's needed!
