Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Editorial: Legal Assisted Suicide is a Recipe for Abuse

Editor, the Tribune: I am an attorney in Washington state, where assisted suicide is legal. I am also president of Choice is an Illusion, a not-for-profit corporation opposed to assisted suicide.

I disagree with Sandy Davidson ("Missourians should have a right to die") that assisted suicide laws should be enacted in Missouri. Washington's assisted suicide law is similar to a law in Oregon. These laws are promoted as providing patient choice. They are instead a recipe for elder abuse.

Under both the Oregon and Washington laws, an heir, who will financially benefit from the patient's death, is allowed to actively help the patient sign up for the lethal dose. An heir can even talk for the patient during the lethal dose request process. This situation invites patient coercion, not patient choice.

More important, once the lethal dose is issued, there is no oversight, not even a required witness at the death. This creates the opportunity for someone who will benefit from the death to administer the dose without consent.

For more information about problems with legal assisted suicide, please visit www.choiceillusion.org.

~Margaret Dore


  1. Agree 100%! Margaret Dore is a rarity these days - an honest lawyer!

  2. I agree wtih Margaret Dore as well!

  3. Thank you for your committment to advocate against legalized assisted suicide, Ms. Dore.

  4. Legalized suicide is a "legal" option for GUARDIANS/CONSERVATORS to rid themselves of the "ward" or "protected person" when $$ starts running out. Happened to my father....once they start the Haldol ,Oxy, Morphine, and/or Serequel death is more likely than not imminent.
