Friday, February 24, 2012

Janet Parker: Expanding Network of Abusive Guardianships

In the U.S.A. there has been a growing problem of abuse of the elderly and disabled due to a covert system of guardianship or conservatorship. This covert system of power and control is enforced through the judicial system. It is manipulated for use by fraudsters, abusers and persons wielding undue influence for financial advantage. The wards have lost the right to complain, because they have been stripped legally of all their rights, left defenseless and subject to exploitation by the very people chosen to protect them; they are now invisible and voiceless. There is a growing trend for the courts to appoint total strangers who do guardianship duties as a business for profit. The for-profit guardian is appointed to take over the decision making process and often times given total and absolute control over the life, liberty and property of their wards.

In the U.S.A. the guardianship system offers few procedural protections, and has spawned a profit-driven professional guardianship industry that often enriches itself at the expense of society's most vulnerable members--the mentally ill. Yet despite numerous calls for reform, most states have done little to monitor professional guardians and prevent abuse and neglect. The U.S.A. federal government should play an increased role in the protection of incapacitated persons.

Full Article and Source:
Expanding Network of Abusive Guardianships

See Also:
Medical Whistleblower

NASGA's "An Open Letter to Congress and the White House"


  1. I am really pleased with this article. Thank you!

  2. This is such a good and truthful article. We need reform now! It cannot wait.

  3. This is an excellent article which accurately portrays the guardianship racket.

    A racket such as this is operating in Cook County (Chicago) Illinois Probate Court.

    For assistance in reporting crimes in Cook County, visit:

  4. We need to keep shouting out loud. Our elected leaders are aware of the national problem yet no one is taking responsibility to step up. How many more innocent people will fall into the laps of the guardianship industry? We need reform, we need to get this right, fix the broken system already with consequences for wrongdoing.
