Sunday, March 4, 2012

"First They Rob You...Then They Kill You"

There has been a rash of crimes committed in Pinellas County, Florida over recent years, and the problem is getting worse. Exploitation of the elderly is the principle crime, and it can be heart wrenching to witness.

These are people who are partially disabled, hurt and trying to heal from a wound, or suffering from a chronic disease that tortures them daily. These seniors need more care than the average person and sometimes aren’t completely clear mentally, or are too weak physically to take care of themselves totally.

They do make easy targets though. They can be preyed on without even knowing what is going on, but many times they do know, and are simply unable to do anything about it, or get any help from the outside to put an end to their misery. This cruelty usually starts with the intention of stealing from the elder victim, taking over all his physical and liquid assets, until he is financially bled dry. Though money and control over property is the main focus, the steps that have to be taken to acquire it all soon develops into horrific abuse.

This doesn’t mean that the elder person is alone, or without friends and family. It means they are not permitted to have company other than the court appointed guardian and who ever that person decides can see their ward.

Full Article and Source:
First They Rob You...Then They Kill You


  1. The present use of guardianship law is far removed from the original intent of the legislators.

  2. That's right, Thelma. We need to get guardianship back to its original intent and stop these nightmares.

  3. How many times have we heard that people die "on schedule."?

  4. Well said. Hats off to the author!

  5. Very well stated. It appears the author has done her homework, researching the subject, digging for the truth. This certainly changes how we approach our GOLDEN YEARS, our gold is not for our best interest, no sir, our hard earned gold is for the best financial interests of the guardianship industry. Know it and do something about it before we are reading your story at NASGA.

    ".....Besides, each court appointed guardian comes with their very own personal lawyer, who if they are dishonest also, help lighten the burden of thousands of dollars monthly from the ward’s financial institutes, social security check, and monthly pension payments. These lawyers are well positioned to steal far more and much faster than the guardians do, since they can pad monthly reports with services of $300 per hour on behalf of the ward............"

  6. How many have died during guardianship? They don't know because no one is keeping track.

    What a national shame.
