Saturday, March 3, 2012

Four South Jersey Nursing Homes Get Low Marks

Four nursing homes in South Jersey are among 564 nationwide that for the past three years have received a one-star government rating — the lowest in a five-star rating system.

The results are based on a USAToday analysis that reviewed ratings for 15,700 nursing homes by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The percentage of homes assigned only one star of a five-star system fell to 35 percent from 40 percent while the number of four-and five-star rated homes rose.

Full Article and Source:
Four South Jersey Nursing Homes Get Low Marks


  1. It is such a dilemma. The government is supposed to be protecting the vulnerable elderly.
    If they don't update their reports frequently enough, how can you know anything about the place?

  2. Someone in Congress needs to stand up and take on this issue and own it.

  3. How many get high marks? I bet very few.
