Sunday, March 25, 2012

YouTube: Jonell Grace Exposes Predator Attorneys

Jonell seeks legal assistance to restore what has been taken from her and to stop these atrocities from happening to others.

Jonell Grace Exposes Predatory Attorneys, Part 1 of 2

Jonell Grace Exposes Predator Attorneys, Part 2 of 2


  1. It takes courage to do a video like these. Good going, Jonell.

  2. Very well told, and totally typical of the wrongdoing in the courts today.

  3. Thank you for speaking out. This is a world wide problem as you stated. I have been effected by these predatory guardians and had to literally run away to another province. I was living in Toronto at the time and witnessed the corruption of this system . From the crooked psychiatrists, Public Guardian ,the lawyers, and the bank banks. I have been defrauded of my possessions and have found out I have no way of fighting this tyranny other than by speaking
    I have written my story (I was keeping a journal at the time)

  4. Exposing the dark side is the only way to educate others to the truth. Thank you for your dedication to this cause.

  5. I'm so proud of you, Jonell!

  6. Thank you for being a voice to so many, Jonell.
