Sunday, April 22, 2012

Editorial: Conservatorship Works

As a 17-year private geriatric social worker and local advocate for the elderly, the glimpse into our state’s issues regarding when and how conservatorships are granted is long overdue. While these two individuals and their attorneys question the necessity and validity of a conservator, many other frail, at risk, mentally and physically impaired senior adults are often never given a chance to escape the fate of their impairment.

If they are not offered legal representation to hold state agencies accountable, who can leave them in deplorable conditions with obvious judgment and cognitive impairment claiming that they could put a word or two together, for example, it negates their chance for help.

Are we so fearful of liability that we turn a “blind eye” and become complacent and lacking in accountability? While our judge, doctors and care agencies are questioned, let’s challenge these advocacy groups and lawmakers who have spoken out on this particular case to consider how additional protective measures, although well intentioned, will add additional delay to any chance of rescue for others. If there is any doubt, we too have front page worthy pictures that have not made it to press... just yet.

Tonya Zuckerman

Editorial: Conservatorship Works


  1. We've seen enough pictures.
    Let's get happening with real, meaningful reform - from the legislators.
    Make provisions to enforce existing laws and clarify those which allow judges to paly with ambiguities.

  2. I have to laugh - "Conservatorship Works" and "Bank of America is a bank of opportunity" (slogan from BOA advertising)

    what seems to be missing is this -- works for who, and who's opportunity ? I mean really !!!

    and the million dollar answer is this --- works for those who use the opportunity to steal your home your liberty and all you thought you once owned.

  3. Conservatorship works when the laws are followed, the conservator truly has the ward's best interest in mind, the conservator follows the direction of the ward, the conservator conserves the estate, etc.

  4. Conservatorship works but it also doesn't work.

    We have to reform the law to do what it intended - PROTECT

  5. Tonya, delay is the mantra of the legal system.

    People are suffering. Lives are being destroyed. Reforming conservatorship law will not cause delay. It will save many victims like those who have fallen victim under Judge Randy Kennedy's watch: Tate, Franklin, Tinnon, Acree, Thurman --- how many more?

  6. Conservatorship works some of the time and the some of the time = mega profits for the conservators let's face it and get this up front protection costs whether it works or not. Who designed this system? Who approves the final draft of language in the laws? Come on folks who? LAWYERS!!! Imagine that and who profits from all laws in the end? Lawyers!!! win or lose they always win!!!
