Thursday, April 19, 2012

Introducing the Administration for Community Living

"For too long, too many Americans have faced the impossible choice between moving to an institution or living at home without the long-term services and supports they need. The goal of the new Administration for Community Living will be to help people with disabilities and older Americans live productive, satisfying lives."
- Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

All Americans - including people with disabilities and seniors - should be able to live at home with the supports they need, participating in communities that value their contributions. To help meet these needs, HHS is creating a new organization, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) with the goal of increasing access to community supports and full participation, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities.

The ACL will include the efforts and achievements of the Administration on Aging, the Office on Disability and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities in a single agency, with enhanced policy and program support for both cross-cutting initiatives and efforts focused on the unique needs of individual groups such as children with developmental disabilities, adults with physical disabilities, or seniors, including seniors with Alzheimer's.

Introducing the Administration for Community Living


  1. While I applaud this new effort, I remember that many guardianship victims have contacted Kathleen Sebelius to no avail.

    I hope this isn't just a smokescreen.

  2. I rather feel like it's a smokescreen. If Sebellius doesn't respond, then why would an agency she created be any different?

  3. Yeah. Sounds promising, but...

  4. I'n glad to see this even if we are skeptical. The trend is going to keeping people at home and out of facilities and that's a good thing.
