Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rosa Parks' Relatives Ask Judge to Protect Property Claim

A lawyer for Parks' 15 nieces and nephews has asked Probate Judge Freddie Burton Jr. to require Elaine Steele and Adam Shakoor -- whom Burton recently put back in charge of the estate -- to post an $8-million surety bond to protect Parks' relatives against any misconduct.

"Due to the continuing litigation and the history of this case ... the heirs are apprehensive that the fair, true and just administration of this estate and trust may be compromised in a manner that will be detrimental to their interests," their lawyer, Lawrence Pepper, said in a court filing.

Pepper said Parks' relatives fear that Steele and Shakoor might dispose of Parks' valuable property without their consent. Steele was Parks' assistant and caregiver, and Shakoor is a retired 36th District Court judge.

Steele's lawyer, Steven G. Cohen, urged Burton to reject the request. Cohen said Pepper intentionally overstated the value of Parks' possessions "in order to set an artificially high bond that will be extraordinarily difficult if not impossible for Steele and Shakoor to obtain."

Full Article and Source:
Rosa Parks' Relatives Ask Judge to Protect Property Claim

See Also:
Rosa Parks Estate Battle Ruled


  1. All fiduciaries have to be watched so they don't become vultures!

  2. I thought this one had been solved! Geez, more money for the lawyers.
