Saturday, May 26, 2012

Linda Kincaid Reports: Santa Clara County Residents Speak Out Against Elder Abuse by Public Guardian

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors met on May 15, 2012 to discuss county budgets, including funding for the Public Guardian. The Public Guardian’s office is under scrutiny related to allegations of elder abuse and neglect.

Public Guardian Don Moody offered the Board that his office could eliminate two full-time equivalents from their payroll.

Moody testified that the number of conservatees in the county has remained stable for several years and is not expected to increase. Moody’s testimony was unexpected, given the dramatic increase in the senior population.

A number of senior staffers from Moody’s office testified against their boss, claiming they cannot provide adequate services without the current complement of staff. Public testimony against a superior is rare and indicates turmoil within the office.

Members of the public addressed the Board during Public Comment (Item #3) and again during budget discussions concern the Public Guardian (Item #16). County residents brought attention to the plight of Gisela Riordan, a conservatee of the Public Guardian.

Gisela has been isolated from nearly all visitation and phone calls for over two years. The Public Guardian allowed Gisela less than two hours with her son in that time. Gisela is not allowed any visitors from the community.

Gisela’s living conditions speak of profound neglect. Gisela has lost about a third of her body weight under the care of the Public Guardian. Her dentures are missing. She needs new eyeglasses, and she is rarely allowed access to her hearing aid.

Deputy Public Guardian Carlotta Royal was adversarial toward this reporter’s enquiries about Gisela’s welfare. Moody has not responded to requests for comment.

Full Article and Source:
Santa Clara County Residents Speak Out Against Elder Abuse by Public Guardian

See Also:
NASGA: Gisela, California Victim


  1. Thank you, Linda, for all you do to expose guardianship abuse.

  2. Isolation is a violation of rights.

    Boomers are coming. How could the population remain stable?

    Government must accept responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of their citizens.

  3. Thank goodness for reporters that care enough to go against the grain, and stand up for what is right
    . If it weren't for a reporter with the San Mateo Times who wrote about the San Mateo Public Guardian's treatment of my father, I would never have been able to get my dad away from their claws.

  4. Thank you Linda for your dedication to this cause. You are giving those who have been silenced a voice - they are being heard.

  5. Linda's a real trooper!
