Monday, June 11, 2012

Bill Passed to Protect MI Seniors From Financial Exploitation, Abuse

Michigan senior citizens will be better protected from financial exploitation and other forms of abuse and neglect under legislation overwhelmingly approved [May 30] by the state House, Rep. Mike Shirkey announced.

The multi-bill legislative package, which was approved with bipartisan support, helps curb a variety of abuses against older adults.

"This broad-based proposal will help stop anyone who intentionally tries to prey on Michigan senior citizens, whether through financial exploitation or outright physical abuse," said Shirkey, R-Clarklake. "Targeting vulnerable senior citizens is repugnant, and we must do all we can to protect Michigan's growing older population."

Full Article and Source:
Shirkey Votes to Protect Senior Citizens from Financial Exploitation,Abuse


  1. Does this Bill include punishment for court-appointed fiduciaries who engage in breach of duty?

  2. My question exactly, Thelma.

  3. Missouri recently passed legislation focusing on the criminal activities of fiduciaries: POA agents, guardians and conservators. Good beginning as long as this includes professional fiduciaries those who are under the 'honor' system to provide full inventories and accountings along with 'honest' billing for services provided. With no one monitoring, watchiing, being witness to the worth of the wards, many opportunities to hide assets, income and property and of course the hidden cash in the residence which rarely if ever is declared on accountings is it? Anyone see listed 'cash' or the valuables discovered in safety deposit boxes? One thing I learned from studying cases is how to be a thief. No, I'm not using what I learned, that's not part of my character but for sure there are many who are and have and will go that route with little chance of being discovered and they know it.

  4. Thelma: NO. This is a huge package of bills-turned-law that address ELDER ABUSE in its three commonly-known attributes-neglect, abuse and financial exploitation. There are substantial protections for vulnerable adults who are not under guardianship or conservatorship but absolutely nothing to help those who suffer the same fate under a court-appointed guardian or conservator. That's not to say that some of new amendments to the Penal Code and other statutes can't apply when a probate court is involved but there's still no incentive to stop guardian abuse - or even mention of it.
