Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lawsuit Alleges Two Residents Repeatedly Abused at NJ Assisted Living

Two residents at an assisted living home in Morris County filed a lawsuit Wednesday claiming staff repeatedly and extensively beat them.

Henry Glowacki, 92, and Robert Prochazka, 89, allege they were both assaulted in late 2010 at Sunrise Assisted Living of Morris Plains, leaving both men with dark purple bruises and one with fractured ribs and a broken finger.

"These are completely defenseless old men with Alzheimer’s getting smacked around by the hired help," said Gregg Trautmann, a Rockaway attorney who filed the suit Wednesday. "It’s horrendous. It really is."

A police report prepared days after the alleged attack said "the victims appear to have been physically abused."

"We take all allegations seriously," said Katherine Preede, spokeswoman for Sunrise Senior Living’s corporate headquarters in Virginia. "Our first priority is, and will continue to be, protecting the health and safety of our residents. We are always looking for opportunities to improve our operations and have confidence in the current team to serve our residents and their families. It is Sunrise’s policy not to comment on pending litigation."

Full Article and Source:
Two Residents Repeatedly Abused at Morris County Assisted Living Home, Lawsuit Alleges


  1. We know the abuse exists and it's reported over and over again yet it continues. How can this halo open? Wos's doing this is no longer important! It's no longer a dirty little secret! Who in the political elite has the ball to stand up and make it stop? Better question how many seniors and disabled people must die before we as a nation stand op to the sbusers an say "No! He'll no we are not going to let you do this to our loved ones".

  2. Oh my gosh, what people have to go through just makes me sick!

  3. Bogus B.S. by the facility.

  4. It amazes me to think of how cruel people can be that they have to pick on our frail elderly.

    I hope Karma bites them!

  5. Are we looking at ourselves? At a our futures? This could be us. Wake up folks!
