Thursday, June 7, 2012

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)—a component of the United States Administration on Aging—recently announced more information about the seventh annual “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.” This year the event is marked for June 15th. That means that there is still time to learn more about the awareness occasion and to make plans to participate in some way. All of us have elder loved ones, and, hopefully, we will all reach our golden year ourselves. In that way, everyone has some stake in these issues and should work in whatever way they can to ensure that the quality of life of local seniors is considered.

The NCEA explains that the purpose of the event is to get “individuals, families, community groups, organizations, and businesses to ‘Take A Stand’ by participating in elder abuse awareness and prevention efforts.”

The White House is even getting in on the effort this year. On June 14th the White House will host a symposium as part of the education effort to share information on elder abuse and exploitation. The event is open to all those who wish to participate. The first half of the event will focus on prevention efforts. The second half will target the ways to respond to elder abuse to ensure the problem is stopped and the victims are given support. Those not in Washington D.C. can watch the event live and even pose questions to panelists via Facebook and Twitter.

Full Article and Source:
Preparations Underway for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


  1. I wish this were a celebrated national holiday.

  2. Why even bother? The Time Magazine storu is not only revealing, it is an awareness we all should take seriously, how disgustingly and "unreal" the U.S. Health Care System has evolved. In order to save the ever increasing healthcare costs in this country, THEY do not recommend putting a "prize stop" on the healthcare industry, they prefer to get rid of the elderly as fast as they can to save healthcare monies by elimination......e.boldt

  3. Why are we made more aware of interfamily theft than that of the much larger protection racket run through our state courts across the country?

  4. The truth about an 85 year old woman, whose assets were stolen by her son nad his attorney,and sanctioned by the court, because the truth was told

    Demand for payment of a fine for having gone public
    and now the garnishment of my income.

  5. I think world elder abuse awareness day should be 365 days a year. And, to Anon, my wish is your 'son'be judged harshly on judgment day to burn in the hottest part of HELL for eternity along with his lawyer who assisted him, more miscreants to the growing list.
