Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cleveland Forum on Financial Exploitation of the Elderly

The head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's effort to protect older Americans will speak in Cleveland next week.

Hubert "Skip" Humphrey III will give the keynote speech at a free forum on financial abuse and the elderly.

The forum explore ways that the professionals who come into contact with senior citizens can help protect them, said Richard Browdie, president of the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging.

With the passage of the Elder Justice Act (which was tucked into the federal health care reform bill) and the establishment of the CFPB's Office of Older Americans, Browdie said it seemed like a good time to put bankers, social workers, financial planners and lawyers together to talk about the financial exploitation of seniors.

"Because the financial marketplace has become more complicated, the intervention is more complicated," Browdie said.

The forum, "Financial Protection for Older Adults," runs from 1 to 4:30 p.m. July 25 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1100 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland. It includes sessions on reverse mortgages, medical fraud and financial exploitation.

Full Article and Source:
Cleveland Forum on Financial Exploitation of the Elderly


  1. In this age of technology, there is no excuse whatever for the lack of monitoring and oversight of thieving fiduciaries and rubberstamping judges!

  2. Financial protection of older adults should include the subject of unlawful and abusive guardianships and conservatorships.

  3. Definitely, it should be stopped. Great suggestions, thanks for the post. It is often said that Americans, as a culture, often disregard the elderly population, though they be numerous. Probably the darker side of that is financial abuse and senior fraud, where seniors are robbed of and scammed out of their retirement and Social Security funds. Thus, some have no shame as financial abuse of seniors is rampant.
