Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm Sick of the Gary & Sara Harvey Case - Time to Move On

On December 10, 2010, I wrote, “Wife’s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Recycling of Gary Harvey’s Holiday Restrictions,” which began:

Last year, I wrote the following article:
Wife’s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Isolation of Gary Harvey By Carrie K. Hutchens on November 7th, 2009

Let’s see, the Harvey visitation was in jeopardy in November of 2009, followed by another jeopardy in December of 2010. Then comes September 2011 (or there about), when someone (unbeknownst to Sara) called the police and said that Gary’s life was in danger by some unknown person. Sara didn’t have a thing to do with any of it, but guess who got punished? Sara & Gary. Visits were stopped during the alleged investigation? How convenient to have an excuse and something to blame her for even though it wasn’t her blame to be held responsible for.

It quickly (or should have) became obvious that Sara didn’t have anything to do with the call, but that didn’t matter. It must somehow be her fault and even if it wasn’t — it was a good excuse to put a camera in Gary’s room. So now, we have a camera and a guard. When will they dress Sara up as Hannibal Lector for her visits? That’s what many of us wonder.

The road has indeed been bumpy since the phone call incident, but it has recently gotten even worse.

Sara apparently submitted a report alleging neglect (regarding a visible wound/sore on her husband) sometime around May 31, 2012. She was immediately accused of breaking the visitation and privacy rules (whistle-blowing?). Would any be surprised to learn that the already cruel visitation restriction has been replaced by ABSOLUTELY NO VISITATION allowed by Sara Harvey?

I wasn’t surprised either.

Sara pays for the insurance that pays the hospital. The hospital sure doesn’t have any trouble billing that insurance that she pays for. She’s certainly good enough to pay the premiums, but I guess that’s all she is good for. Beyond the premium paying, she apparently doesn’t count for anything in their book, it would seem. She certainly isn’t treated as though she is Gary’s wife. There certainly isn’t any compassion. I mean, how dare she worry about Gary or ask questions or try to make sure he gets the quality care her insurance is paying for? How dare she wish to visit Gary? Just who does she think she is? His wife or something?

I went to the St. Joseph Hospital website and read their mission statement, which says in part:

St. Joseph’s Hospital, a Catholic health facility, is a voluntary not-for-profit community general hospital founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester in cooperation with the physicians and citizens of Elmira, NY. The St. Joseph’s Hospital community, by maintaining a deep respect for the dignity of each person, strives to heal, as Jesus did, in mind, body and spirit, all who come to us.
Oh really?

Full Article and Source:
I'm Sick of the Gary and Sara Harvey Case - Time to Move On


  1. Well said. This has been going on far too long and Gary Harvey continues to suffer while his guardian protects the system, not him.

  2. Gary Harvey has suffered enough. Send the man home for goodness sake!

  3. Thank you for staying on this story. What the guardian has done to this family is a crime. Please keep a bright light shining on this case until the guardian does the right thing and sends this man home.

  4. Gary is a human being, a husband; he is a Veteran. Those who are serving need to know about this now.

    I guarantee you those who put their lives on the line would be mad as hell, no other way to state it. I'm not a Veteran and I'm mad as hell about this.

    I fear Gary will be foreced to live out his life in that lonely room wondering why. This is how we give thanks to our brave warriors?

    This is how we as American's believe these are Gary's wishes? I don't think so. What to do and where to go from here?

    God Bless Gary and Sara.

  5. I am praying for divine intervention for Mr. Harvey and for his rescue from his abusers.

  6. I wish for Gary Harvey's captors in Chemung County a horrible nightmare. I wish every time they close their eyes, they see Gary Harvey's face. And every time they sleep, they dream they were in the same circumstances as Gary Harvey.

    I wish the rest of their lives were spent in the same torment they have caused this family.

  7. This guardian should be prosecuted for criminal abuse!

  8. How these abuses can take personal tragedies into profitable events for themselves is unbelievable. My prayers go out for this family and for my mom, who is also a victim of the system.

  9. It's also time for the guardian to wake up and look for a conscience. I do believe Karma catches up with all of us and it will with Chemung County too.

    Gary Harvey has one good thing going for him; his wife will stay at his side and never give up.

  10. Anon 2 summed it up. We have a segment of our society that preys on the vulnerable. In the Harvey case, it involves the very people that vulnerable people would go to for help. I wonder how many other victims the county has.

  11. The Harvey case is one of the sickest out there. It's hard to have faith and confidence in people when there are unfeeling and uncaring people like Harvey's guardian in the world.

  12. God Bless Sara and Gary and let him curse their tormentors.

  13. Kinda funny the Attorney General is still on the case. They should be removed, in order to prosecute the hospital for retaliation.

  14. The cathoilc hospital should be shamed into doing what they are doing to this couple, and the appointed Moshier sits on the sidelines and does nothing to protect gary Harvey. As a matter of fact he thinks and so does the MHLS Director think the guardian and pals are doing a smashing job protecting Gary harvey['s rights. Yeah isolate him from everyone?

  15. You're right, Lou. St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira is an embarrassment to the Catholic Church.

    Gary Harvey's guardian and the lawyers are what they are - people without a conscience and driven by profit. But, the hospital falls under the purview of the Catholic Church. And they're not representing the religion well at all.

  16. the article is great, but do you really think that they will ever do the right thing even the Catholic Church? who are ya kidding here? Follow the money...They have no compassion Carrie..Wake up!

  17. This hospital tried to end Gary's life and now they are isolating him because his wife reported a crime?

    What is wrong with this picture?

  18. Anonymous, they are all in bed together. How can justice ever be served when they have this family being tormented and ridden like a hobby horse?

  19. She's unfit to be Gary's guardian, huh? The News people can stop implying and assuming now.

  20. Just let Gary go home and be with his wife and the rest of his family.......I woudnt let my dead grandmother go to st. Joes
