Sunday, July 22, 2012

Linda Kincaid Reports: Yucaipi Mayor Riddel and Sheriff's Captain Hamblin Ignore Elder Abuse

Wildwood Canyon Villa celebrated its eight-year anniversary on April 21, 2012. In that time, the Yucaipa residential care facility for the elder received numerous Department of Social Services citations for licensing violations and elder abuse.

In January 2012, Wildwood was sued for wrongful death, elder abuse, and neglect of a resident. Wildwood’s attorneys settled the case quickly and quietly, avoiding the publicity of a jury trial.

In March, 2012, Wildwood was sued for elder abuse and conspiracy to commit elder abuse of another resident. Wildwood’s attorneys responded that the victim’s family does not have standing to sue for abuse until the victim is deceased.

In April 2012, “Yucaipa Mayor Dick Riddell enjoyed the barbecue lunch with the residents and presented a proclamation to the business, marking the occasion” according to the Yucaipa News Mirror.

In a July 2009 opinion piece for the News Mirror, Mayor Riddell praised Wildwood Executive Director Lynnette Alvarado as, “a charming, friendly, energetic, and obviously capable leader.” Mayor Riddell neglected to mention that Alvarado has only a GED, not the two years of college that Department of Social Services requires for her position.

In May 2012, Alvarado did not appear, “energetic and obviously capable.” Alvarado shrank into her chair and spoke in a whisper as she gave testimony concerning abuse and neglect of Wildwood residents. The court reporter asked Alvarado to speak more loudly, as Alvarado’s voice was barely audible.

In July 2012, Wildwood’s Events & News showed Alvarado presenting an outstanding service award to San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Captain Lee Hamblin. Captain Hamblin’s “outstanding service” does not include investigation of elder abuse at Wildwood.

Families of victims repeatedly contacted Mayor Riddell and Captain Hamblin, expressing concerns about abuse and neglect of their loved ones. Mayor Riddell and Captain Hamblin exchange awards with Wildwood, while casting a blind eye on abuse of Wildwood residents.

Yucaipa Mayor Riddel and Sheriff's Captain Hamblin Ignore Elder Abuse


  1. Fine job of reporting! Linda Kincaid always reports the facts and the facts speak loudly.

  2. Vics have to take it upstairs!
    Expose everywhere they can!

  3. Well said. They can celebrate the anniversary and ignore what's going on around them as they're feeding their faces with cake.

  4. Linda is a true champion. I bet every resident of Wildwood Canyon Villa is celebrating!

  5. The truth needs to be exposed. The public must be aware of what is waiting for them and their loved ones. All the wrongdoing must end now. Linda you're doing a wonderful job all for the right reasons. With much appreciation...

  6. Put the spotlight right on them - that's the way to do it.

    Thank you for this article.

  7. The more facilities like this are exposed and the officials which allow them to continue operating without skipping a beat, the quicker public outrage will force reform.
