Thursday, August 23, 2012

Texas Judges: Out Of Order

The State Integrity Investigation on government corruption gives Texas an average grade of C for holding our judges accountable. But some citizens and lawmakers who’ve tested the system say that grade is far too high.

Today KERA’s Shelley Kofler begins a series of reports: Texas Judges: “Out of Order.” She takes a look what happened when one woman complained about a judge. The woman asked us not to use her name so we’ll call her Angela.

Angela is 30, a petite, attractive, professional with a college education. A little over two years ago she broke up with her long-time boyfriend and he filed for custody of their small son. Angela says she found herself in front of a Tarrant County associate judge who criticized her for having a child without being married to the wealthy father.

“She said, ‘Well didn’t she get herself knocked up by the right guy?’ So from the very start I had concerns about the judge,” Angela explained.

Angela said the judge yelled at her on more than one occasion and nearly each court appearance brought additional comments.

“I look Hispanic, though I’m not,” Angela said as she recalled an exchange. “We were discussing a particular document in the courtroom and the judge said to me, ‘Do you speak English?’ So, I responded, ‘Yes, I do speak English.’ And she said, ‘Clearly you don’t speak English. You have to be one of the most uneducated people I have ever seen in here.’”

Full Article & Source:
Texas Judges: Out Of Order


  1. TX is known to be one of the hotspots of corruption.

  2. We knew about corruption but not about the arrogance and rudeness.
    That alone should get the bum off the bench!

  3. Out of order is right! And TX is one of the states that allows ex-parte hearings too.

    I think the TX bench needs a good disinfecting.

  4. When I think of TX judges being out of order, the king comes to mind: Swindle Windle. Who can forget the lady who signed over her estate to members of Swindle Windle's court?

    I know several NASGA members dealt with Swindle Windle and I wonder just how many lives he ruined when he was on the bench.

    Judge Don Windle will always be known as Swindle Windle in my book.

  5. Tarrant County is a bad place when it comes to its Judges. The JMC is nothing but a joke.

  6. There is no justice in Texas- Family Courts and the Probate Courts are the demise of families. The Judicial Conduct Commission is just a joke. It is sickening to know that the taxpayers have to foot the bill for such a waste of our Justice System. Corruption falls in every court and every enity here in Texas. Soon we will be THE TOP STATE with the MOST CORRUPTION IN THE UNITED STATES. THE FEDS SHOULD INVESTIGATE RICO IN THE PROBATE COURTS. IT IS HAPPENING EVERYDAY.

  7. I have been fighting this unjust system alone for too long! After providing evidence of blatant disregard of state and federal laws, my grievance was dismissed by the State Bar Association and the Disciplinary Appeals Board. I have asked for a congressional inquiry, but I don't have much faith in that system either. Generations of wealthy, upper class families have control of the judiciary system so if you lack funds to pursue justice you lose!

  8. You haven't experienced the depths of dispair until you've been attacked by a Texas probate judge and his schutzstaffel, the lawyers, ad litems, private guardians, fiducuaries, service providers, and courthouse staff, exploiting and destroying the elderly and disabled and their families, and looting their estates. Hitler must be looking up from hell and smiling on them.
