Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tonight on "T.S.Radio"

Linda Kincaid and Chris Murphy continue their discussion on abuse by public guardians in Santa Clara County and San Joaquin County, and several other California counties, and the repeated violations of legal instruments, statutes, civil rights and regulations regarding treatment and care of the elderly ignored by public officials.

Every public official listed below has been sent a special invitation to join the broadcast. In the event the invitation is received too late, or, the official is unable to participate Sunday evening, we have offered each and all of them equal time at their convenience.


* CA State Assembly Member Jim Beall likes to brag about his concern for elders, and represents Gisela Riordan's (victim) district. Emails go to his assistant, Sunshine Borelli. (No assistance offered)

* State Senator Joe Simitian also brags about protecting elders, and he represents Gisela's dstrict. Emails for Emails for Simitian go to Tyler Haskell. (No assistance offered)

These public officials have been repeatedly contacted concerning elder abuse and not one has acted to protect the elderly from predatory guardianship:
* Supervisor George Shirakawa:
* Supervisor Mike Wasserman:
* Supervisor Dave Cortese:
* Supervisor Ken Yeager:
* Supervisor Liz Kniss:

TS Radio: Officials Fail to Protect the Elderly From Abuse


  1. I am so pleased to see Marti Oakley doing these shows again.

    Thank you The Truth Squad!

  2. I have heard both Linda and Chris speak on The Truth Squad and they are very informative.

  3. Great job! Thanks to All!
