Sunday, September 30, 2012

"T.S. Radio" TONITE!

Financial Exploitation of the Elderly With Guest David Kessler

Exploiting our elderly out of their life long savings and property is far more than stealing material items, it goes deeper. It is the THEFT OF THEIR DIGNITY.

David Kessler’s presentation will allow the audience to hear from the victims and how these crimes have impacted their lives and also from the predators who victimize and how they located and exploited America’s senior citizens.

The RED FLAG warning signs that are almost always present but overlooked by the family, friends, and business associates of the elderly victim will be discussed to bring quicker awareness to the victimization.

How to handle the problem once it is exposed and where to go for assistance is a major topic of the training.

If you interact with senior citizens in your personal life or in a business environment Mr. Kessler’s training is a must to bring awareness to this enormous problem of exploiting our senior citizens financially through deception and undue influence.

Being proactive on this problem is the greatest form of protecting our elderly loved ones or customer service for our elderly clients.

Source: Financial Exploitation of the Elderly, With Guest David Kesler


  1. Stephen G, Sudovar Exhausts 102 Year Old Mothers Estate (Wayne NJ)

  2. Sounds like it will be a good show!

  3. I am listening now and it is a great show tonight.

  4. I am listening now and it is a great show tonight.

  5. Very informative. Hope is main stream radio would pick this up and give it airtime. Society needs to be educated, informed, warned what is waiting for them and their loved ones before it's too late. Being declared a ward of the state is a life sentence without a trial, without valid proof just on the word of _________ a formula for disaster for society and the big mountain of gold for the so called protectors the protection industry the biggest industry in our nation generating how much income $________? Anybody know? No database - unregulated it's a free for all ~~~ open season on us - and you the younger generations, the rightful heirs are going to be in for a big ***** surprise when you find out the worth of the estate is: $00.00 and some family members are receiving pay up notices from IRS, from the state collection agencies so get ready or join and fight the enemy our nations true terrorists, the protection industry.
