Monday, October 8, 2012

NorthShore 'Live' (Cooper's Corner): An Interview With Illinois Attorney Ken Ditkowsky

Bev's guest on Cooper's Corner  is attorney Ken Ditkowsky who discusses the challenges he is enduring as a result of speaking up about the injustices he has witnessed in Cook County Probate Court. Original air date September 12, 2012

You Tube:  An Interview With Ken Ditkowsky

See also:
NorthShore 'Live' (Cooper's Corner)
NASGA:  Mary Sykes, Illinois Victim
Mary Sykes Blog
Ken Ditkowsky on the ARDC Hearing

Note: Attorney Ditkowsky will be a guest on T.S. Radio Sunday, October 14th


  1. Ken Ditkowsky gives me hope that there might be more honest lawyers, like him, out there.

  2. He said it right in the very beginning, the proceedings have ignored the Constitutional and civil rights of the alleged incompentent person.

  3. Yes there are honest lawyers out there StandUp sadly very few and even less who are courageous enough to 'come out' shouting out loud for investigations into wrongdoing by those on the guardianship team.

    I met Attorney Ken Ditkowsky at the live program of Coopers Corner, I looked into his eyes, we shook hands.

    No doubt in my mind whatsoever of Ditkowsky's good faith intentions as he slowly discovered the truth about the Mary Sykes guardianship case, other abusive and wrongful guardianships, not only in Cook County, but the facts of the cases from other Illinois guardianship cases in addition to the national epidemic.

    Ditkoiwsky 'gets it' he sees the pattern, as a seasoned attorney he knows where the laws were ignored, disregarded and twisted to work in favor of team guardianship.

    Listening to this interview is highly recommended.

  4. Challenges? Attorney Ken Ditkowsky is being kind in his response. Look what the Illinois ARDC is doing to a lawyer who refused to go to the dark side he refused to go silent, will not roll over, play ball, throw an elderly lady under the bus to avoid retaliation which could be a career ender. Standing Ovation & Applause to Attorney Ken and others who dare to care about our constitutional rights, responsibility and accountability of those acting under 'color of law'.

  5. i want more this should be on tv news is it? people need to be alerted what happens when multi generation families live together and worse yet when people think they are protecting themselves especially during a serious diagnosis adding names to their property is risky i don't know what the answers are but we can see the problems all leading to a disaster aging is big business an organized underworld laying in wait for their next case and keep in mind this racket needs fresh meat to feed the machine watch your backs folks we're all at risk

  6. Stand Up, honest lawyers can't afford to speak up if they want to stay in business.

    The Ditkowsky story with the liars - err, lawyers - at ARDC
    is very disturbing.

    Continued self-policing by the Bar will drive their image to its lowest ebb ever, in the public eye.

  7. Ditkowsky is a tribute to his profession. If ARDC is going to tar and feather him because he advocated for a vulnerable person, then that's a clear warning to all the elderly and disbled in Cook County ---- save yourselves and get the **** out of Dodge!

  8. Great interview and also a special thanks to Cooper's Corner from all members of NASGA working so hard for reform!

  9. Kudos to Ken Ditkowsky and Bev Cooper as they continue to expose the criminal activiites on the 18th floor of the Daley Center in Cook County, IL.

    The judges in the Cook County Probate Court should be held under investigation for the Sykes case, and many other cases as well.

    I loved one is a victim who had her entire estate depleted by the vultures on the 18th floor during her unethical guardianship proceedings. She was lied to and deceived, and those lies led to her entire estate going to legal fees and guardian fees.

    The use of OBRAs on the 18th floor should be investigated as well.

  10. This is an entirely different side of Cooper's Corner and it's 'reporting' of the Sykes case: as 'the other daughter' as I am often titled, I applaud both attorney Kenneth Ditkowsky and Bev Cooper for sticking to the facts and giving a full spectrum of what happened in the Sykes case and is happening or happened in other cases, and what can definitely happen to any person! To fill in some names, which I have no fear to state, Adam Stern, early on, suggested to the court that [Gloria, me] retain Dr. Amnur (sp) to examine my mother. I objected to having a court friendsly doctor, who has a reputation to finding any elderly and disabled person in need of '24/7' care when called upon by Adam Stern and/or Cynthia Farenga (and I'm certain other GAL's) That said, the Court asked Adam Stern to discuss this examination with my mother and get her permission, of which Adam Stern reported to the Court that my mother gave her permission for Dr. Amnur to examine her and it was set for October 31, 2009 (Couriously, Adam Stern is in line with attorney Peter Schmiedel and GAL Cynthia Farenga is reporting to the court that my mother was functionally incompentent and unable to 'understand' things in October 2008... ) Suffice, I got a supervised visit with my mother for October 30, 2009 and I digitally recorded the entire visit! My mother was not only lucid, intelligent, and active (although she complained of dizziness and blurred vision) but she played three hands of winning canasta before I had to leave! Suffice Dr. Amnur with the assist of ReHab Assist, found mother functionally incompentent and in need of 24/7 care (as believed he would) and I had to pay for this medical exam, although I objected profusly. The digital recording was and is not allowed as evidence to the fraud, but that medical report was then, without my permission, given to the court on December 10, 2009 and accompanied the "agreement" by Carolyn Toerpe, Cynthia Farenga and adam Stern to appoint Toerpe the Plenary Guardian. Of course, at no time was my mother served or had an opportunity to appeal this 'agreement'. Suffice, I've been fighting to save my mother's life ever since, and probably since February 2009, when my mother discovered that CArolyn Toerpe was stealing money from her checking account. Yep, my mother first filed a complaint with the Illinois Department on Aging against Toerpe, and then Officer Wyman (sp) of the 16th CPD told my mother (on June 7, 2009) to get a protective order against Toerpe. My mother met with State employees on June 9, 2009 and filed a petitin for an order of protection against Carolyn Toerpe and like attorney Kenneth Ditkowsky stated, no reasonable person can understand how the named abuser is appointed guardian of a woman who had no other disability except for the fact that she has a hearing impairment and was 90 years old. This is age profiling and this is wrong. That said, I thank Bev Cooper for giving Ken this opportunity and for allowing the Sykes matter to have the full hours of attention -- as I have always believed if we can save y mother from these 'whores of justice' then we can save thousands of elderly and disabled.

    Thank you.

  11. Thank you, Mr. Ditkowsky, for standing up for Mary Sykes and refusing to sit down.

    And thank you, Bev Cooper, for providing a place where Mr. Ditkowsky can tell the real story.

    I appreciate all I have learned from Mr. Ditkowsky by his affiliation with NASGA.

  12. How lucky Mary Sykes is to have attorney Ditkowsky advocating for her!

  13. I had the privilege of attending this event and meeting Attorney Ken Ditkowsky and his wife Judy at Coopers Corner studio prior to the LIVE interview on cable TV.

    I agree with Sue, first impressions last a lifetime. During the airing of this program, all in attendance were moved by the experience.

    I very much look forward to meeting Ken in the future anticipating a series of interviews with Bev Cooper.

    Thank you Bev and your crew at Coopers Corner production. Thank you Attorney Ken Ditkowsky, his family, his team and his supporters.

  14. We need another Operation Greyloard in Crook County.

  15. I agree with Finny, I have learned so much from Ken. His explanations are comprehensive and make common sense. And his good character shines through in all he does.

  16. I am so glad Mary and Gloria Sykes have so many people working hard for Mary's freedom.

  17. Thank you for posting NASGA. Cooper's Corner is a great vehicle for getting the word out and I am glad NASGA is affiliated with them, and also Mr. Ditkowsky, who has my utmost respect.

  18. Attorney Ken Ditkowsky has been punished for giving integrity to the probate system by using an accurate and factual representation of events to correct wrongs within this system. He should have been assigned to a statewide oversight committee. I hope that he is patting himself on the back for "doing right." That's what really counts.

  19. I have always believed that the movie, "A Man for All Seasons" should be required viewing by all lawyers and law students. I now believe that "NorthShore Live" Cooper's Corner, The Ditkowsky-Sykes Saga should also be a prerequisite. Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster,

  20. Please let me remind everybody, that advocates are only as good as their 'actions": in the Sykes case, it's a blessing to have advocates for both my mother and me, but it's maybe more important as to what I file and where I file motions, petitions, and pleadings -- and the case laws cited. Therefore, it is important to remember the men and women who are actually standing before the Probate Division Judge(s) and, armed with accurate laws and statues, are creating a record! This is of utmost importance in the final annalyzis of any case, not just the Sykes case, and again, although advocates such as Kenneth Ditkowsky are vital to the exposure of the 'business-as-usu" financial plan of the court appointed Guardian Ad Litem and Guardians, let's also support the men and women who are behind the scenes making the few of us look good and giving us the ammunition to create a strong record and give, even the best miscreant, pause. And that is what is happening in the Sykes case. I'm only as good as the person who is helping me look good and applying the laws and statues in order to create, what I beleive will be first impression law. Yes, "A Man for All Seasons" should be required viewing, and so should reading all of the pleadings of the Sykes case, including the ADA complaint and the Chapter 11 bankruptcy adversaries as well as the U.S. District Court's recent order and memorandum of law. After three years, with the help of ***, I have been able to put the issues before the Court(s) and fir the first time, I have hope. Yep, advocates such as Kenneth Ditkowsky are important -- and I am certain that once freed, my mother will give Ken a long and sincer hug, but she will also be filled with gratitude for *** who, without him, the Sykes case would have fallen apart a long time ago. So thank you all, every man and woman, as I truly believe that if "we" succeed in the Sykes case, then we change the face of our Probate Division and in doing so, save lives and that, my fellow victims and advocates, is what unity as advocates is all about. xo

  21. I can't understand it. All lawyers go to big important universities, yet only Kenneth Ditkowsky sees and speaks the truth, the truth other lawyers are belligerently blind to, and other lawyers can't, with all their high and mighty blabbering, have enough guts to speak the truth?

  22. I have a question. Will you please raise your hand if you think, professional fiduciaries and their lawyers, including banks, as trustees, and their lawyers, who donate large sums of money stolen from senior citizens, to elected officials' campaigns, qualifies them, the fiduciaries, to influence the elected officials when it comes to the right to steal senior citizen money, and to prevent an honest investigation of fiduciary theft of senior citizen estates?

  23. Why is Kenneth Ditkowsky all alone? Where are the other honest lawyers? Hiding under big desks?
